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18-04-2024 Year R Easton Farm Park Trip

 Thursday 18th April 2024


EYFS – Trip to Easton Farm Park


Dear Parents/Carers,


The Early Years classes have planned a visit to Easton Farm Park in line with their topic on farm animals. This will take place on Thursday 23rd May 2024. We will be leaving school at 9:15am so children will need to arrive at school promptly at 8:50am.


For this visit your child will need to wear school uniform and sensible, comfortable footwear (e.g. trainers – no sandals or high heels please).  We will be outside for most of the visit so your child will need to be prepared, especially for potentially hot weather or wet weather! Please bring a waterproof coat and consider applying sun cream.


All children will require a packed lunch (No glass bottles, sweets or fizzy drinks please). All children in EYFS are entitled to a meal provided under the Universal Free School Meal funding.  If you would like your child to be provided with a free school packed lunch please indicate on the attached form.


The cost of the trip is a voluntary contribution of £15.00 which will help cover the cost of entry to the farm and coach travel. Payments can be made either via the school office or on Arbor.  Please return the enclosed consent form and indicate whether you would like the school to provide a packed lunch for your child by Friday 17th May 2024.


If you have any questions about the trip please feel free to come and speak to your child’s class teacher.


Thank you for your continued support.



