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Whitehouse Weekly Bulletin 249

Whitehouse Weekly Bulletin

Friday 10th November 2023


A Message from Miss Siddall

It has been another busy week at Whitehouse – last Friday we had a wonderful curriculum day learning about healthy living.  One of our school governors visited and was very impressed by the range of activities and the children’s behaviour for learning.

In other governor news, we would like to welcome Martin Booth to the role of ‘Chair of Governors’.  Martin has been a governor for a number of years and previously held the role of ‘Vice-Chair’.  Martin Booth takes over the role from Martin Parker, who has been an exemplary Chair of governors for nine years!  Martin Parker remains a governor and currently holds the vice chair position.  Thank you to both Martins for their ongoing support to the school.



Attendance for the week before half term:

Class with the best attendance: Lions (99.17%)




The theme of our assemblies for next week will be: Anti-Bullying Week: Why is it important to treat people with respect?  (UNRC Link: Article 19: I have to be protected from being hurt or badly treated).  Resources related to this assembly will soon be available on our website.  To access them, simply go to Learning and click on our Enquiry Based Assemblies.


Readers’ Cup

Well done to the following classes who won the Readers’ Cup the week before half term:

Year 3


Year 4


Year 5


Year 6



Celebrating our Children

As you know, we love to celebrate our children and all their achievements outside of school as well as at school. 

This week, we would love to share news about Callum from Year 4 who is a member of the 11th Ipswich Cub Scouts.  Many of us enjoyed watching fireworks at the weekend, but Callum went one step further and got very busy the following morning as he helped with the clean-up at Christchurch Park.  Here he is with his bag that was full and heavy by the end!  Well done Callum! What an amazing example you are to us all. 


Children in Need: 2023

As a school we always love to support good causes, so we will be holding a non-uniform

day on Friday 17th November 2023 to raise money for Children in Need.



As you may be aware, the children are encouraged to follow ‘The Whitehouse Way’ in school to help them in their learning and in becoming good citizens. Our ‘Wonderful Week’ awards this year will be given as a recognition that the children have worked very hard in one of these areas:  Courage, Perseverance, Reflection or Responsibility.  This will be shown in the colour coded lists below.  We are so proud of our children at Whitehouse and their wonderful achievements.  Well done to you all.


Key Stage 1:



Wonderful Week

Wonderful Week

Handwriting Award


























Lower Key Stage 2:



Wonderful Week

Wonderful Week

Handwriting Award







Sophia G



















Upper Key Stage 2:



Wonderful Week

Wonderful Week

Handwriting Award













Red Pandas

















Family Breakfast

It was lovely to see some new faces as well as our familiar faces at the Family Breakfast this week. The children and their adults enjoyed hot toast with a choice of spreads and a selection of cereals, as well as tea and coffee for the adults. Family breakfast is open to everyone, so bring younger siblings, parents and carers along. As well as a healthy start to the day, there is always a chance for a catch up with Mrs Gotts, our Pastoral Lead, about any worries you may have about your child(ren). We look forward to seeing you there at 8.00am each Monday.  There is no need to book, just come along via the Key Stage 1 playground.



Healthy Eating News Bulletin

At our recent whole school healthy eating day, we shared with the children the importance of a healthy and varied diet.  Healthy eating is important for everyone, especially children, to ensure that they receive all the nutrients they need to grow and develop. Eating well and being physically active will improve your children’s health as well as their ability to learn and achieve at school. Encouraging your children to eat healthily now will make them more likely to adopt a healthy lifestyle as they get older. 

What does healthy eating mean in practice?

In practice, eating healthily means encouraging your children to:

  • Enjoy their food – this will establish positive lifelong attitudes towards eating. Getting children involved in shopping, cooking and making mealtimes fun can develop their interest in food and healthy eating.
  • Eat a balanced diet consisting of a mixture of different foods – foods contain different nutrients so children eating a varied diet are more likely to be getting all the nutrients they need.
  • Eat plenty of starchy foods – such as breads, cereals, pasta, rice, potatoes, couscous and plantains. These should be the main sources of energy for children making up about a third of their diet. Try to provide at least one starchy food at every meal.
  • Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables – five or more servings a day are recommended for good health. For children, one serving is roughly the amount that fits into the palm of their hand. Raw, fresh, dried, canned and frozen all count.
  • Eat moderate amounts of meat, fish and alternatives such as beans, lentils, nuts or soya products – provide at least one portion with each meal.
  • Eat moderate amounts of milk and dairy products – lower fat versions (e.g. of cheese, milk and yogurt) contain as much calcium and are often a good choice.
  • Not eat too many foods that contain a lot of fat – such as fried foods, pastries, pies, crisps, biscuits, chocolate, butter and other spreads, oil and mayonnaise. Look for lower fat options and opt for baking or grilling rather than frying.
  • Not eat snacks or drinks that contain a lot of sugar too often – as this can damage teeth and may fill children up so they are not hungry at mealtimes.
  • Cut back on salt – there is no need to add salt to children’s food. Check the labels if you are buying processed foods and choose those with less salt (sodium)


The Need for a Healthy Breakfast

Breakfast is important to top up children’s energy stores for the morning’s activities. Children who eat a healthy breakfast are less likely to snack on foods that are high in fat and/or sugar later in the day and tend to concentrate and perform better at school.  Remember breakfast can be provided at breakfast club for those children who attend and every Monday, we have our family breakfast where you can come and eat a simple breakfast together as a family, free of charge.  Why not have a look at the following link or QR code for some good breakfast ideas from the BBC Healthy Breakfasts for Kids site: BBC Healthy Breakfasts for kids.  There are also some tips on the next page.


SMSC Whole School Day: Healthy Eating

We enjoyed a wonderful day in school last Friday where all the children learnt about healthy eating and did some great learning.  We wanted to share it with you so please have a look at the following link, where you will see what we did and some lovely photos of the activities in each year group.


New Reception Children

If you have a child who is due to start school in September, then please note the deadline to apply for a school place is 15th January 2024.  Even if your child is already at our Nursery, you will still need to make an application to Suffolk County Council. Please see the poster for more details.


Parenting Courses in Ipswich

There are many parenting courses in and around Ipswich at the moment, which are open to any parent/carer who feels they may benefit. Each course looks at different aspects of parenting and tackles such of the most difficult areas of being a parent/carer.   We have included details of these various courses on our website so you can have a look:  If you have any questions, please contact Mrs Gotts.


Ipswich and South Suffolk Panathlon Challenge Primary Competition

On Friday 3rd November, Ms Salmon and Miss Last took eight Key Stage 2 children to a Panathlon competition held at Ipswich School Sports Centre.  The children rotated around a carousel of fundamental skills that included sending and receiving activities and striking skills.  As they moved around, teams collected points at each station and our children demonstrated great behaviour, outstanding teamwork. It was wonderful to see each child with a huge smile throughout the whole afternoon!  At the end of the competition, the scores were added up and the winners announced.  It was a great afternoon but it wasn’t about who came first. It was about every child being able to try new activities and have fun.  Each child received a medal and certificate for their participation.  Ms Salmon was so proud of all the children from Whitehouse and would like to say a big thank you to all the parents/carers who transported the children.  Well done to Teddy, Demi, Oscar, Jamie, Noah, Freddie, Josh and Roxanne.  We are proud of every one of you!



Martlesham Heath Control Tower Museum: Year 6 Visit

On Tuesday, Year 6 took the chance to dive into the history of WW2 in the local area by visiting the former RAF base. Unlike last year, the weather promised to behave and not try to dampen any spirits. The children all eagerly arrived at school very excited for the day ahead. A particular mention must go to the Toucans as they had to arrive 15 minutes earlier to school than normal – cue the disgruntled mumbling of why did we have to get up earlier than everyone else!


After the 7 million reminders (water bottles, toilet trip, wrist bands, inhalers, coats, no you don’t need your lunch as we are back by 11, toilet again, sick bags etc…), we hopped on the bus on time (for once) and headed off. During the journey the children were wowed by the sights of Whitehouse (There’s my house!), McDonalds, the Orwell bridge, Aldi and KFC. As we drew nearer to our destination, the children’s excitement levels increased with many a chorus of, ‘Are we there yet?’.

On arrival, the children were shown the grounds of the old airfield and then into the control tower itself. The children were treated to a short history of the start of WW2 and some key events that happened in the local area such as the first casualties on mainland Britain occurring in Clacton. Many questions centred around the fact there were some decommissioned bombs in the room with children wondering aloud if they would blow-up!   


Following the initial introduction, children were then divided into 2 groups. Whilst one group went off to explore the museum, the other went outside to the Anderson shelter and bunker. Upstairs, the children found a treasure trove of items from the war and local area. Many an ‘OOOHHH’ and ‘AAAHHH’ were heard as the children explored every nook and cranny discovering gas masks, WW2 uniforms, model planes, maps, photographs of the original airfield, munitions, air raid sirens and much more. Many children commented that they liked seeing the old control room with its old-fashioned phone and typewriter although they did wonder how anyone was able to cope without a mobile phone or tablet!


Outside, the children were able to head inside a real Anderson shelter. They could not believe people used to sleep in them to help keep themselves safe when bombs were being dropped on cities. Luckily, the only thing dropping inside the Anderson shelter were cobwebs and spiders which provided plenty of consternation and hilarity amongst the groups. Inside the underground bunker, the children were treated to real recorded sounds of the Blitz.


Overall, Year 6 thoroughly enjoyed their trip and found it a great experience to learn just how important the local area was during the war, providing fighting planes to help protect the skies over London. A big thank you must go the volunteers of the MHAS museum for making the trip educational and fun for the children!



A Message from our Attendance Officer

This week, I have added some useful information to our attendance board which is situated in the school office reception area.  Here you will find guidance from the NHS website (which has previously appeared in our newsletter) about illnesses and when you can send your child to school.  You are welcome to take a copy home with you.  Also, you will find there a handout regarding school trips, why they matter and how they could affect your child’s attendance. This contains valuable information about your child’s off-side education and details on how you can pre-plan for these in your family budgeting.  I shall be continuing to update this board with useful information and resources.


Dates for the Diary

Monday 13th November 2023 – Family Breakfast – 8.00am

Monday 13th November 2023 – Year 1 Ipswich Transport Museum Visit

Friday 17th November 2023 – Children in Need (Non-Uniform Day)

Monday 20th November 2023 – Family Breakfast – 8.00am

Monday 27th November 2023 – Family Breakfast – 8.00am

Monday 27th November 2023 – Year 3 Stone Age Extravaganza

Wednesday 29th November 2023 – Autumn Term Reports home to parents/carers

Thursday 30th November 2023 – Online Parents/Carers Evening

Friday 1st December 2023 – Travelling Book Fair

Monday 4th December 2023 – Family Breakfast – 8.00am

Wednesday 6th December 2023 – Online Parents/Carers Evening

Friday 8th December 2023 – Nursery Nativity Play

Monday 11th December 2023 – Family Breakfast – 8.00am

Monday 11th December 2023 – Reception Nativity Play

Friday 15th December 2023 – Christmas Fair

Monday 18th December 2023 – Family Breakfast – 8.00am

Monday 18th December 2023 – Christingle Service – Year 4 – Parents/Carers invited. 1.45pm at St Thomas’ Church, Bramford Lane.

Thursday 21st December 2023 to Wednesday 3rd January 2024 – Christmas Holiday

Thursday 4th January 2024 – PD Day (Children not in school)

Monday 19th February 2024 to Friday 23rd February 2024 – Half Term Holiday

Friday 29th March 2024 to Thursday 11th April 2024 – Easter Holiday

Friday 12th April 2024 – PD Day (Children not in school)

Monday 24th June 2024 to Tuesday 25th June 2024 – Year 6 Residential Trip at Mersea

