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09-02-2023 - French for the Family - Hedgehogs Class

Thursday 9th February 2023


Dear Parents, Carers,


Re:  French for the Family event – Hedgehog Class – Wednesday 22nd February 2023


Following the success of our French for the Family events pre-pandemic and the positive feedback we received from parents who attended, I would like to invite you – or up to 2 adult members of your family which could include a grandparent, an auntie / uncle, a family friend or a childminder - to come to the school in the afternoon of Wednesday 22nd February 2023 to learn French alongside your son or daughter.


The aim of the session is for children and adults to work together – and support each other – whilst learning a new skill. We would therefore respectfully ask that, for the comfort and enjoyment of all attending, parents switch off their MOBILE PHONES on arrival. Thank you very much in advance for your kind cooperation in this matter.


The afternoon will start with a lesson in Marlow Road Hall during which all participants will learn how to order food in French.  This will be followed by a range of French food such as croissant, pains au chocolat and pancakes, which will provide an authentic context for learners to practise their new skills. It would add authenticity to the afternoon if parents and pupils wore a combination of French colours (blue, white and red).  Thank you.


Parents are to report to Reception at 1.05pm on the day for registration. The session will end around 3.00pm. Please note that I am happy for younger siblings to join the session as long as they do not disrupt the normal course of the lesson. Thank you for your kind understanding.


If you would like to join us for a fun and interactive learning session, please fill in the enclosed reply slip and return it to the school office in an envelope clearly marked with “French for the Family – Hedgehogs” by Monday 20th February at the latest so that I have time to arrange suitable catering.

I know that the children from Hedgehog Class are really looking forward to the event and I would like, on their behalf, to thank all participants for supporting what promises to be an enjoyable and exciting new learning experience.  


Bien Cordialement,




Mme Godet

Enrichment and Parental Engagement Coordinator

French Lead





1.05-3.00 pm

 To be handed in to the Office by Monday 20th February 2023 at the latest


Pupil’s name: ........................................................................  Form: .....Hedgehog Class.............

My family WILL TAKE PART in the event                                                                o


Names of family members / friends taking part

Relationship to pupil







Unfortunately, my family IS UNABLE to take part on this occasion                              o
