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19-10-2023 Year 3 Stone Age Extravaganza

19th October 2023

Year 3 Stone Age Experience Visit


Dear Parents/Carers


We are writing to inform you about an exciting visit we have organised for our Year 3 children in connection with their curriculum study of the stone-age. The visit will take place on school grounds within usual school hours on Monday 27th November. As this is an onsite event, school lunch times will not be affected and children should wear their usual school uniform.


This immersive experience will give the children an insight into a day in the life of a stone-age person. Each class will have the opportunity to meet with two prehistoric characters who will teach us about their way of life, and show us artefacts and crafts from the stone-age times  The characters will light a fire, evoking the magic of crackling flames and what it meant for stone-age people, and they will look at the subject of food, showing the children how a meal would have been prepared and cooked in the stone-age times.  This may include the preparation of an animal or fish, though the children will have the option to look away or step aside if they prefer.  


All of the activities will take place in a large outside tent so it is essential children have coats.

If you have any queries about the event, please do not hesitate to ask.


Thank you for your continued support.



With regards




Miss Tempest, Miss Swansborough and  Mr Fox


Year 3 Teachers

