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18-06-2021 Year 6 Mersea Trip

                                                                                                                                       18th June 2021

Year 6 Trip to Mersea

Dear Parents/Carers,


I am writing to remind you all of the upcoming Mersea trip for Year 6. The trip will take place over the course of two days this week:


Tigers and Toucans: Thursday 24th June 2021

Chameleons and Ocelots: Friday 25th June 2021


The trip will be slightly longer than the normal school day. The coach is arriving at 8.00am and we will aim to be leaving school at no later than 8.05am. Due to this, the children will need to be at school in the Marlow Road hall by 7.50am. All children can be brought to the main office where members of staff will be taking a register. We will return to school at approximately 5.00pm where your child can be collected from the Marlow Road hall. Due to the late arrival time, we will require a parent/carer to collect their child at the end of the day.


Any medicine such as inhalers must be handed into school the day before the trip. Please make sure that this is labelled with your child’s name and class. If your child suffers from travel sickness, we recommend that they take some medicine before school. If they would like to take some before we depart, then this needs to be brought in, named and a permission slip filled in by a parent/carer.


Your child will require a packed lunch, drink (no glass bottles or fizzy drinks please) and a snack. Please make sure that your child has a water bottle with them as the day will be very busy. In terms of clothing, your child can wear non-school uniform for the day. However, please make sure that this is appropriate and suitable for outdoor activities (similar to a PE kit) and that they are dressed for all weather conditions. Please make sure that your child has a hat and suncream has been applied in the morning, if you would like your child to reapply suncream at lunch time, please send them in with a labelled bottle. As we will be carrying out adventurous activities, we will not be allowing children to bring mobile phones. Please make sure that these are not brought into school on the day of the trip.


We hope that our Year 6 will enjoy this day and can celebrate the time that they have spent at Whitehouse.


Thank you for your continued support.


With regards




Mr S Taylor

Trip leader
