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18-04-2023 - Year 2 Duxford Imperial War Museum Trip

18th April 2023


Year 2 - Duxford IWM Trip


Dear Parents/Carers,


We have planned a visit to Duxford IWM on Monday 26th June 2023 in line with our current topic “How did people try to fly?”.  We will be leaving school at 9:00am and are hoping to return by 3:00pm.  Due to the time we are due to leave please can you ensure that all children arrive to school promptly at the slightly earlier time of 08:40am.


For this visit your child will need to wear their usual school uniform, with sensible comfortable footwear but NO SANDALS please.  We will be outside for a lot of the visit so your child will need to be prepared for either wet weather or sunshine!


They will also require a packed lunch and drink (NO GLASS BOTTLES OR FIZZY DRINKS PLEASE).


All children in KS1 are entitled to a meal provided under the Universal Free School Meal funding therefore, if you would like your child to be provided with a free school packed lunch please indicate on the attached form.


The cost of this trip is a voluntary contribution of £10.00 and will be set up on the Arbor app. Please note consent and payment can be made via Arbor or alternatively please complete the attached form and return to the office with your child’s name and Duxford Trip written clearly on the envelope.


If you have any queries please speak to your child’s class teacher.



Thank you for your continued support.






Miss Swansborough, Miss Bias and Mrs Rose

Year 2 Teachers

