Tuesday 4th February 2025
Year 1: Parent/Carer Session
Dear Parent/Carer,
We are delighted to invite Year 1 parents/carers into school to join in with a guided reading session on:
Tuesday 11th February 2025
Please come to the main office at 2:30pm where we will sign you in and take you to your child’s class. Due to a lack of space, can we please ask that only 1 adult per child attends.
The Year 1 project showcase will start immediately after the guided reading session on this date.
Please note that for safeguarding reasons you will not be allowed to use your mobile phone whilst you are on the school site.
Kind regards
Year 1 Teachers
Child’s name: ______________________________ Class: _______________
I am able/not able to attend the Year 1 guided reading session on Tuesday 11th February 2025.
Signed by Parent/Carer _______________________ Date: _______________