6th September 2024
Year 2 Enquiry/Science Trip – What is it like to live in our local area? Animals and their habitats.
Dear Parents/Carers,
We are writing to inform you about an exciting trip we have organised for our Year 2 children in connection with their curriculum study of ‘Our Local Area’. The trip to Ipswich will take place over 2 dates as follows:
Wednesday 18th September – Cobras and half of Dragons
Wednesday 25th September – Frogs and half of Dragons
It will be a wonderful chance for the children to explore the local area and identify some of the things they will be learning about, and seeing some of the most famous landmarks in Ipswich.
We will leave school at 9:15am and return by the end of the school day. All children will require a packed lunch (no glass bottles, sweets or fizzy drinks please). All children in KS1 are entitled to a meal provided under the Universal Free School Meal funding. If you would like your child to be provided with a free school packed lunch please indicate on the attached form. Please ensure your child is dressed weather appropriately.
The cost per child is a voluntary contribution of £5.00. Payments can be made either via the school office or on Arbor. Please return the enclosed consent form and indicate whether you would like the school to provide a packed lunch for your child by Friday 13th September 2024.
At Whitehouse, we value the importance of trips as they help the children to engage with their learning and provide opportunities for the children to deepen their understanding through first hand experiences. Please remember that educational trips are not intended to be optional as they are part of our school curriculum.
If you have any concerns, or if your child requires any special arrangements, then please ensure you speak to the class teacher.
Thank you for your continued support.
Miss Jaspal, Mrs Gooch, Mrs Curtis, Mr Donowa and Miss Bailey
Year 2 Teachers