Wednesday 26th June 2024
Dear Parents/Carers,
We are writing to ask for your help.
Over the last week, Whitehouse Community Primary School has suffered damage caused by windows being broken during the evening. Between Last Wednesday and Saturday, a total of five panes of glass have been broken by objects such as bricks and stones being thrown through them.
On Friday evening, two windows in our Key Stage Two library were broken by young people on the roof, leaving smashed glass covering the library and all the books. Unfortunately, we have therefore had to close the library while we make the area safe for children to use. This has been upsetting to everyone at school and has had a negative impact on the children this week while they have been unable to change their books. We expect to have the library back in action by the end of this week.
The other damage occurred in the dining hall, Early Years area and the Y6 corridor. Fixing the windows comes at a large cost to the school and we would much prefer to be using our funds for the benefit of our pupils to ensure they receive the best possible education.
We have reported all the issues to the police who are currently investigating the matter.
In the meantime, if you have any information about this vandalism, please do pass it on to the police. If you see anyone on the school property after school hours, please let the police know immediately so that we can try to prevent further disruption to your children’s education.
Thank you for your continued support
Miss A Siddall and Dr Hall (Co-Headteachers)