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National Curriculum for Music

Skills Progression Document

Links to EYFS music guidance and learning.

Comments from OFSTED that are applicable to Music at Whitehouse (6th June 2019):


In key stage 2, pupils make good progress in all subjects, particularly in mathematics, and by the end of Year 6 they are well prepared for their move to secondary school.


Pupils have a wide range of opportunities to learn about different faiths and cultures. The school promotes celebrating diversity within its local community. 


There is a determination by leaders for pupils to experience activities that they might not otherwise have an opportunity to try. Pupils visit the beach, have careers days and learn about what it is like to be healthy and how to be mindful of their emotional health and well-being.


The school curriculum is broad and balanced. Pupils have access to a wide range of different experiences as part of the school curriculum. Whole-school themed days bring the curriculum alive for pupils. They are appreciative of the opportunities they are offered. Work is showcased in vibrant displays around the school.


Assessment practice in foundation subjects such as science, history and geography is at an early stage. Subject leaders are aware that the same rigorous systems and processes implemented in English and mathematics would further develop these areas of learning for pupils.



