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In September 2022, Ms Jaspal and Ms Tempest registered for Whitehouse to become an Eco-school.


They attended training in early November. They prepared an assembly to explain what the award entailed and provided detail on the recruitment of Eco-Committee members.

    Numerous applications were received for the Eco-Committee. 14 Eco-Committee members recruited – 2 in each year group from Reception to Y6. 4 boys and 10 girls in total.


    1st meeting took place on 2nd December. Members were welcome and role explained.


    Ms Jaspal and Ms Tempest organised 2 activities for Global Citizenship Day on Friday 25th November relating to recycling: litter pick for Y3 and litter sorting activity in Y4.


    Ms Jaspal is running the Crisp Packet Challenge with her class. She has also put some large boxes in the Canteen for children to put their crisp packets in.


    Ms Tempest organised a recycling assembly in December.

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