Whitehouse Weekly Bulletin 167
Friday 8th October 2021
Message from Mrs Hall
As I am sure you are aware Covid-19 is still with us and the school is working hard to ensure that we can provide the very best education for the children (article 28: children have the right to education). At the moment we have had less than five reported Covid-19 cases within school. However, we are seeing a rise in cases locally. In order to keep everyone as safe as possible and following government guidance, please can we ask that you do not send your children to school if they have any of the following symptoms: high temperature, persistent cough and loss of taste/smell. If your child has one of these symptoms please inform the school office, ensure that they have a PCR test and notify the school of the outcome. It is important that we all do our very best to keep the school open. Thank you for your support.
Attendance for the Previous Week
Classes with the Best Attendance – Elephants (99.2%)
The theme of our assemblies for next week will be: Why do we have a Black History Month and why is it important? Do I know any black children’s authors? UNRC Link: Article 2: I have the right to protection against discrimination. This means that nobody can treat me badly because of my colour, sex or religion, if I speak another language, have a disability, or if I am rich or poor. Resources related to this assembly will soon be available on our website. To access them, simply go to Learning and click on our Enquiry Based Assemblies.
Purple Man Reading Competition
A big well done to Hedgehogs (LKS2) and Chameleons (UKS2) for winning the Purple Man Competition again this week. Who will manage to beat them next week?
Flu Jabs
The School Immunisation Team will be in school on Wednesday 20th October to do the Flu Vaccinations for our children (except Year 5 who have Greek Day). If you have not yet returned your consent form, please ensure you do so as soon as possible. The team will also return to Whitehouse on Thursday 25th November to immunise Year 5 and any children who were not completed. Further information about the vaccine, including a copy of the consent form, can be found on our website at the following link: https://www.whcps.org/22-09-2021-flu-immunisations/.
Key Stage 1:
Class | Wonderful Week | Wonderful Week | Handwriting Award |
Elephants | Samson | Olivia-Mai | Layla |
Giraffes | Payam | Safa | Effie |
Lions | Mahira | Andrei | Alyssa |
Cobras | Loma-Elaine | Kezzia-Belle | Arez |
Dragons | Taius | Luca | Nojus |
Frogs | Olivia | Patrick | Hunter |
Lower Key Stage 2:
Class | Wonderful Week | Wonderful Week | Handwriting Award |
Badgers | Kai | Scarlett | Aleena |
Foxes | Diya | Amelia | Arthur |
Owls | Joni | Isla | Rico |
Rabbits | Roman | Roxanne | Lucas |
Hedgehogs | Sophia | Varo | Nicolette |
Squirrels | Maddison | Gabriel | Sadia |
Upper Key Stage 2:
Class | Wonderful Week | Wonderful Week | Handwriting Award |
Jaguars | George | Alexis | Robert |
Lemurs | Kazhin | Nate | Mossawer |
Lizards | The Whole Class! |
| Malen |
Red Pandas | Mylie | Mohammed | Kaycee |
Chameleons | Tayla | Sofija | Jack |
Ocelots | Zainab | Emma-Jane | Theo |
Tigers | Sophia | Caleb | Leah |
Toucans | Connor | Daisy | Ellie |
Healthy and Nut Free School
Can we please remind parents/carers that Whitehouse is a Healthy School. If you would like to provide a packed lunch for your child to eat in school, please do ensure that this a healthy lunch. Please see the picture for some good examples. A healthy, balanced diet is very important for your child to be able to do their best learning.
In addition, please be aware that we are a Nut Free School. We do have a number of children who have a severe nut allergy and even being near someone eating a nut product (including Nutella) can be very dangerous. We do ask for your cooperation in ensuring that we are able to keep these children safe by ensuring no nut products are sent into school. Thank you for your support.
Framlingham Castle Trip
Our Year 2 children have been busy learning about life in castles for their enquiry topic and so this week they had a chance to visit Framlingham Castle to learn more about the features of castles. The children took part in lots of fun activities both inside and outside the castle, including archery. They all had a wonderful day and their behaviour was excellent.
A huge well done to Mrs Greggor who successfully ran the Virtual London Marathon on Sunday. This involved running from Martlesham via Kesgrave to Rushmere, then all around Ipswich and back to Martlesham via Bucklesham! This is not the first time Mrs Greggor has completed a marathon as she has run the London Marathon before as well as the Edinburgh Marathon. What an amazing achievement! We are very proud of you! Mrs Greggor has a message for each of us: “IF YOU BELIEVE IT, YOU CAN ACHIEVE IT!”
Paralympic Week
This week pupils across Years 1-6 have enjoyed learning about and have participated in their Paralympic and inclusive inspired PE lessons. Mr Jordan began the week with a Paralympic themed assembly in which he introduced pupils to the history and values of the Paralympic Games. Throughout the week, pupils have been taking part in some of the following Paralympic lessons: Boccia, New Age Kurling, Archery, Goalball and Seated Volleyball.
The aim of Paralympic week is to provide pupils with the opportunity to experience Paralympic activities, whilst also providing them with a greater appreciation of the skill level required by the Paralympic athletes to successfully perform their events. Additionally, it also provides pupils with the underlying message that with hard work, determination, perseverance and courage we are able to overcome our barriers and challenges to achieve our very best. Finally, links can also be made to UNRC Article 23: If I am disabled mentally or physically, I have the right to special care and education to help me develop and lead a full life.
Playground Equipment
Please note that the equipment in the playground is not to be used by the children at the start and end of the day. Children are the responsibility of their parent/carer until they have entered the class at the start of the day and after being dismissed by the teacher at the end of the day. Thank you for your co-operation.
Can you help?
We have a plea from our EYFS Staff (Nursery and Reception) for all parents/carers of Year 1 and 2 children. Sometimes our younger children need to change their clothes during the school day and we are running low on spare clothes. Do you have any uniform or tracksuit bottoms that your children have grown out of and that you no longer need? If so, we would be very willing to receive your donations. In addition, our Nursery, are particularly in need of puddle suits or wellies. If you can help it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Dates for the Diary
Wednesday 20th October – Flu Immunisations
Wednesday 20th October – Greek Day – Year 5 Classes
Friday 22nd October – PD Day (School Closed to Children)
Monday 25th to Friday 29th October – Half Term Holiday
Thursday 18th November – Parents Evening (remote)
Monday 22nd November – Ipswich Museum – Year 6 Ocelots and Chameleons
Tuesday 23rd November – Ipswich Museum – Year 6 Tigers and Toucans
Wednesday 24th November – Parents Evening (remote)
Thursday 25th November – Flu Immunisation (Year 5 and Catch up Session)
Friday 26th November – RRSA Whole School Day
Friday 17th December – Last Day of Autumn Term
Monday 20th December to Monday 3rd January – Christmas Holiday
Tuesday 4th January – PD Day (School Closed to Children)
Monday 21st February to Friday 25th February – Half Term Holiday
Monday 28th February – PD Day (School Closed to Children)