Whitehouse Weekly Bulletin 156
Friday 11th June 2021
Message from Mrs Hall
It has been great to welcome the children back to school this week for the final half-term. There are lots of great learning opportunities to enhance our curriculum, therefore please check the calendar carefully so that your child doesn’t miss out. We are currently in the process of organising classes for next year and we hope to let you know all arrangements before the transition days on the 7th and 8th July. We are delighted to report that we are fully staffed for September. If you have any questions or worries about next year, please don’t hesitate to ask.
Attendance for the Week before Half Term
Class with the Best Attendance – Poison Dart Frogs (98.3%)
The theme of our assembly next week will be: What are we referring to when we speak about somebody’s culture? (UNRC Link: Article 30 – I have the right to enjoy my own culture, language and religion). Resources related to this assembly will soon be available on our website. To access them, simply go to Learning and click on our Enquiry Based Assemblies.
Science Week
The children had so much fun with Science Week just before half term that we could not fit all the photos on our last newsletter! Here are some of Year 1 who had a wonderful time as they built a volcano, made their own slime and made Sycamore Seed Helicopters. We definitely have some budding scientists!
For a full write up on the activities the children did in Science Week and for lots more photographs of all the year groups, please see this link on our website: https://www.whcps.org/science-week-may-2021/
Word Millionaire
Well done to Chloe for becoming our latest Word Millionaire – this is a wonderful achievement!
Hot Weather
Can we remind parents/carers that during this spell of hot weather it is very important to ensure your child comes into school with their water bottle and a hat. We would also suggest that you apply sun cream to your child in the morning before coming to school.
Class | Wonderful Week | Wonderful Week |
Dolphins | Harry | Aronas |
Puffins | Noah | Iqra |
Seahorses | Logan | Marwa |
Starfish | Sophia | Lavand |
Key Stage 1:
Class | Wonderful Week | Wonderful Week | Handwriting Award |
Elephants | Millie-Mae | Mark Aston | Ava |
Giraffes | Kezzia-Belle | Blake | Seth |
Lions | Amelia | Raffael | Taius |
Cobras | Youssef | Joni | Arthur |
Dragons | Benjamin | Ruari | Ben Aleena |
Frogs | Harrison | Oakley | Rex |
Lower Key Stage 2:
Class | Wonderful Week | Wonderful Week | Handwriting Award |
Badgers | Mason | James-Joseph | Oliver |
Owls | Sevan | Ethan | Archer |
Rabbits | Dylan | Charlie | Connie |
Foxes | Max | Max | Charlotte |
Hedgehogs | Jayden | Kaci | Ilias |
Robins | Imogen | Mirna | Andra |
Squirrels | Vakaris | Isla | Rebeca |
Upper Key Stage 2:
Class | Wonderful Week | Wonderful Week | Handwriting Award |
Jaguars | Amber | Harvey | Mason |
Lemurs | The Whole Class! |
| Sofija |
Red Pandas | Joshua | Riley | Payam |
Chameleons | Frankie | Jensen | Greta |
Ocelots | Max | Halle | Isabelle |
Tigers | Zac | Jacob | Hailey |
Toucans | Sehad | Autumn | Henry |
Purple Man Reading Award
Well done to Lemurs and Foxes who were the winners of the Purple Man Reading Award before half term.
GB Athlete Visit
We are all very excited to welcome back GB Paralympic athlete Sean Rose who will be visiting the school on Monday 21st June. During Sean’s last visit in 2019, the pupils and staff were truly inspired by his message of perseverance, hard work and a positive outlook on life. Sean was paralysed following a skiing accident, however, did not let this stop him becoming a 2 x Team GB Paralympian in skiing. Sean is also a World Champion in skiing and water skiing, winning Britain’s first ever Ski World Cup gold medal and retiring as Britain’s most successful alpine ski racer.
As with the previous visit, Sean will be conducting a 10-minute fitness session with each class (Reception through to Year 6). Sean will also be leading two inspiring assemblies for two separate year group bubbles during the day. To ensure that none of our pupils miss out, the assembly will be recorded for all pupils to see. To help the day run smoothly, we ask that ALL pupils come to school in their PE kit on Monday 21st June.
Finally, to celebrate the day pupils will be able to purchase wristbands. These will be available to buy before school on that day from the KS1 and KS2 playgrounds or after school at the Waterford Road Gate for the prices below. Please do ensure you keep to social distancing procedures whilst purchasing these items.
Blue Sports for Schools Bands £1.00 each
Red Athletes Printed Signature Bands £3.00 each
We are very much looking forward for yet another inspiration experience for our pupils and staff!
School Garden
Mr Hobhouse has worked incredibly hard to transform an area of the school grounds into a garden where the children can grow plants and produce. We now have the most amazing school garden in which Mr Hobhouse and the year 4 children have planted an array of fruit and vegetables, including perpetual spinach, rainbow chard, sweetcorn, courgettes, broad beans and strawberries! The garden is flourishing and has produced a crop of radishes, some of which have been the size of tennis balls! The process of growing fruit, vegetables and other plants provides many exciting learning opportunities for the children who are incredibly proud of their garden and can be found watering and nurturing the plans during their spare time. With plans for a giant pumpkin in the autumn, we look forward to sharing further exciting news about the school garden in future newsletters.
Money Paid to the School
A reminder to please send all money in to school in a sealed envelope, with the child’s name and class and what the money is for. We are no longer able to provide change.
Living Grief Sessions
The past year has been difficult for many people and St Elizabeth’s Hospice have decided to extend their Living Grief Sessions until September. These include four online sessions which last 1 hour and 15 minutes each. They are open for any adult who has suffered a bereavement and is struggling to cope. To book a space you can follow the link below or call them on 0300 303 5196: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/livinggrief-sessions-lets-talk-about-grief-tickets-133969607703?aff=ebdssbonlinesearch
Dates for the Diary
Friday 11th June – End of Academy Consultation Period
Monday 21st June – Athlete Visit (Winter Paralympian)
Thursday 24th June – Year 6 Mersea Trip (Tigers/Toucans)
Thursday 24th June – Whole School Art Day
Friday 25th June – Year 6 Mersea Trip (Chameleons/Ocelots)
Thursday 1st July – Year 5-6 Sports Day
Friday 2nd July – Year 3-4 Sports Day
Friday 2nd July – Year R, 1 and 2 Sports Day
Friday 9th July – Reports Sent Home
Monday 12th July – House Captain Elections
Tuesday 13th July – Year 6 Production (Cast 1) – 9.30am and 6.00pm
Wednesday 14th July – Year 6 Production (Cast 2) – 9.30am and 6.00pm
Thursday 15th July – Nursery Sports Event
Monday 19th July – Year 6 BBQ - 4.00pm to 5.15pm
Tuesday 20th July – Year 6 Picnic and Celebration – 1.30pm
Wednesday 21st July - Start of Summer Holiday