Whitehouse Weekly Bulletin 137
Friday 16th October 2020
Message from Mrs Hall
We very much appreciate your efforts in ensuring the children come to school looking so smart and tidy in their school uniforms and PE Kits. Despite our best efforts, we sometimes struggle to get them home in the same condition but our learning is often outdoors and fun! In addition, occasionally coats and jumpers go missing, these items are usually found (if they are clearly labelled with your child’s name and class) so, please try not to worry. If you have any concerns please don’t hesitate to email parents@whcps.org Thank you for your continued support.
Attendance for the Previous Week
Class with the Best Attendance – Toucans (100%)
Class that needs to improve their Attendance – Tigers (90.7%)
Class that need to improve their Punctuality – Foxes
The theme of our assemblies for next week will be: Breaking the Mould: Celebrating people’s amazing achievements against the odds. (UNRC Link: Article 29 :I have the right to an education which helps me develop my personality and abilities). Resources related to this assembly will soon be available on our website. To access them, simply go to Learning and click on our Enquiry Based Assemblies.
Reading Awards
Reading is very important to us at Whitehouse and each week the children in Key Stage 2 have a chance to earn the ‘Purple Man’ award. Each book a child reads in Key Stage 2 has a quiz which questions them about the content of the book and checks their understanding. The number of books read and the quiz results calculates the number of minutes each child has read per week and gives the class points towards the competition. At the end of the year the winning class wins a prize!
So far this year in LKS2 Robins and Badgers classes have each won the award once and Foxes class twice. In UKS2 Ocelots have won the award every week! However, there is still plenty of time to get involved so keep on reading.
Key Stage 1:
Class |
Wonderful Week |
Wonderful Week |
Handwriting Award |
Elephants |
Cooper |
Ilaf |
Noah |
Giraffes |
Muhamad |
Leonardo |
Ruby |
Lions |
Gabriel |
Holly |
Lacie-Mai |
Cobras |
Youssef |
Taylor |
Jack |
Dragons |
Rieno |
Jacob |
Carter and Vana |
Frogs |
Tommie |
Oscar |
Roman |
Lower Key Stage 2:
Class |
Wonderful Week |
Wonderful Week |
Handwriting Award |
Badgers |
Varo |
Oliver |
Bana |
Owls |
Jacob |
Sadia |
Henry |
Rabbits |
Kyzer |
Connie |
Laycee |
Foxes |
Reuben |
Sophia |
Max |
Hedgehogs |
Amari |
Sophie |
Ilias |
Robins |
Emma |
Mirna |
Harry |
Squirrels |
Millie |
Robert |
Ava-Leigh |
Upper Key Stage 2:
Class |
Wonderful Week |
Wonderful Week |
Handwriting Award |
Jaguars |
Harley |
Erin |
Aya |
Lemurs |
Daren |
Austin |
Maja |
Red Pandas |
Sophia |
Matty |
Nathon |
Chameleons |
Kacey |
Archie |
Ellie-Mae |
Ocelots |
Hermione |
Jana |
Daria |
Tigers |
Ellie-Mae |
Oliver |
Dida |
Toucans |
Frankie |
Mario |
Talia |
Disabled Parking
Can we please remind parents/carers to refrain from parking in, or blocking the disabled spaces near the Marlow and Waterford Road entrances to school. We do have members of the school community who need to use the disabled spaces and it is important that these are kept vacant for use by those who hold a Blue Badge. Thank you for your assistance.
Can we remind parents/carers that due to the current circumstances we are unable to take money in school. We would encourage where possible that payment is made online using either a debit or credit card, through Suffolk County Council using the following links:
Dinner Money: https://www.suffolk.gov.uk/children-families-and-learning/schools/school-meals-uniforms-and-trips/school-meals/. Please note you will be asked which days your child will be eating a school dinner. You can enter any dates as we do not use this information, but will continue to ask your child each day what they would like for lunch. There is a minimum payment of £11.50 which is the price of five school meals.
Breakfast Club: https://www.suffolk.gov.uk/children-families-and-learning/schools/school-meals-uniforms-and-trips/pay-for-a-school-trip/
Absence from School
As Covid-19 is starting to increase across the country, can we please remind parents/carers that the signs to look out for are:
If your child has a cold, without the above symptoms, they should still be attending school. If you have any concerns about symptoms please refer to the letter on our website which explains the steps you should take: https://www.whcps.org/13-10-2020-advice-to-all-parents-single-case-of-co/
Little Princess Trust
One of our children was very brave recently and decided to have lots of her hair cut off, so that she could donate it to Little Princess Trust to be made into a wig. Georgia had grown her hair and wanted to help another little girl who didn’t have hair. What a lovely thing to do! Georgia had approximately 12 inches cut off and 10 inches was donated. Mum is very proud of Georgia, who is just 8 years old, in wanting to do such a kind and generous thing and we are very proud of you too Georgia!
If anyone would like to make a donation to help in raising money for such a wonderful charity, please go to the attached Just Giving page: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/gemma-brown62?utm_source=whatsapp&utm_medium=fundraising&utm_content=gemma-brown62&utm_campaign=pfp-whatsapp&utm_term=3386cecb16034883b67db1de1da3b2ec
Dates for the Diary
Monday 26th October – Friday 30th October – Half Term Holiday
Monday 2nd November – PD Day (No school for children)
Friday 13th November – Children in Need (non-uniform day)
Thursday 19th November – Parent/Carer Evening
Wednesday 25th November – Parent/Carer Evening
Friday 27th November – Whole School SMSC Event
Monday 7th December – Flu Immunisations
Monday 21st December – Friday 1st January – Christmas Holiday
Monday 4th January – PD Day (No school for children)
Friday 12th February – PD Day (No school for children)
Monday 15th February – Friday 19th February – Half Term Holiday
Thursday 4th March – Parent/Carer Evening
Wednesday 10th March – Parent/Carer Evening
Friday 19th March – Whole School SMSC Event
Monday 29th March – Friday 9th April – Easter Holiday