Whitehouse Weekly Bulletin 109
Friday 27th September 2019
Message from Mrs Hall
We cannot believe it will be October next week! Despite the rainy mornings, it has been wonderful to see all of the children excited and ready to learn as soon as they arrive at school. Please can we remind parents and carers that we do go outside in cool and drizzly conditions, and children will need appropriate coats, hats and boots as the season changes. Don’t forget, we also offer a daily Breakfast Club. If you would like to book a place for your child please see the school office for more details. Thank you for your continued support.
Classes with the Best Attendance – Hedgehogs and Jaguars (100%)
Classes with the Best Punctuality – Giraffes, Lions, Jaguars, Lemurs and Chameleons
Class that needs to improve their Attendance – Chameleons (85.4%)
Classes that need to improve their Punctuality – Elephants, Robins, Tigers and Toucans
The theme of our assemblies for next week will be: Why is there a Black History Month? Who are the most influential black role models in our modern society? Resources related to this assembly will soon be available on our website. To access them, simply go to Learning and click on our Enquiry Based Assemblies.
Wooden Pallets
Deliveries to the school often arrive on wooden pallets and we have quite a number which have not been collected by our suppliers. If you would like to take any of these for your own use, please speak to a member of the office team. As we are fundraising for MacMillan this week, a donation to this charity would be appreciated for any pallets taken. If the pallets are not taken by Friday 4th October, they will be disposed of.
Year 3 – Accelerated Reading
We are pleased to invite the parents/carers of our Year 3 children to come into school to attend a presentation on Accelerated Reading and Reading Journals. This will be held on Wednesday 2nd October at 2.30pm. As a thank you for your support, each child whose parent attends will be given a non-uniform voucher which can be used on a day of their choice. If you have any questions or require further information please speak to the Year 3 teachers.
Key Stage 1:
Class |
Wonderful Week |
Wonderful Week |
Handwriting Award |
Elephants |
Ethan |
Hasti |
Ruari |
Giraffes |
Jamie |
Aygul |
Daniel |
Lions |
Joni |
Elyana |
Dylan |
Cobras |
Nicolette |
Sevan |
Julia |
Dragons |
Emily |
Oliver |
Tawhid |
Frogs |
Liyoh |
McKenzie |
Summer |
Lower Key Stage 2:
Class |
Wonderful Week |
Wonderful Week |
Handwriting Award |
Foxes |
Evie |
Susan |
Maria |
Hedgehogs |
Amari |
Kayden |
Sophie |
Robins |
Junia |
Sefora |
Mirna |
Squirrels |
Namo |
Lucah |
Lilia |
Badgers |
Sophie |
Aya |
Hayden |
Owls |
Oliver |
Sophia |
Deanna |
Rabbits |
Emma-Jane |
Mirac |
Charlie |
Upper Key Stage 2:
Class |
Wonderful Week |
Wonderful Week |
Handwriting Award |
Jaguars |
Kaycee |
Dida |
Theo |
Lemurs |
Chloe |
Cameron |
Mia |
Red Pandas |
Oliver |
Anisah |
Mia |
Chameleons |
Ethan |
Tahlia |
Tigers |
Lewis |
Miley |
Troy |
Toucans |
Oscar |
Molly |
Flu Immunisations
The School Nursing Team will be coming into school on Friday 15th November as part of the Annual Childhood Flu Immunisation Programme. The vaccine is given through a nasal spray and is being offered to all children from Reception through to Year 6. Parents/Carers need to confirm whether they do/do not wish their child to be given the immunisation. The link to show your consent/non-consent can be found on the following page on our website: https://www.whcps.org/11-09-2019-information-for-parents-on-flu-immunisa/. We would also ask parents/carers to carefully read the information on the website, particularly if their child is asthmatic or cannot eat gelatine. If you have any questions please contact the Schools Immunisation Programme on 0300 555 5055 or
Aldi’s Kit for School
We are collecting the Aldi’s Kit for School stickers and are aiming to collect at least 300. Stickers are given when you spend at least £30 from one of the Aldi supermarkets. Thank you to all of you who have already brought stickers in to school, your support is very much appreciated.
Sapphire House
The children who are in Sapphire House have a non-uniform day on Wednesday 2nd October for having earned the highest number of house points in the Summer Term. Well done, Sapphire!
Dyslexia Workshop
The Dyslexia Outreach Team are holding a free workshop for parents/carers of children with dyslexia and literacy difficulties. The presentation will be led by specialist teachers and will focus on top tips to help support children with reading, spelling, writing, working memory, organisation, time and with the use of ICT. There will also be an opportunity for parents to view a range of resources and a chance to ask questions. The workshop is being held at The Blackbourne Centre, Bury St Edmunds on Thursday 10th October 2019 from 10.00am to 12.30pm. If any parents/carers are interested in attending and would like to reserve a place or ask for further information, please contact the team on SpecialistEducationOutreach.BusinessSupport@suffolk.gov.uk.
High School Places
A reminder to parents/carers of our Year 6 children that the deadline to apply for a High School place is 31st October 2019. Most High Schools hold an open evening where you can have a chance to look around the school and learn more information to help you when choosing a school for your child to move to. For your information the dates of these open evenings are detailed below:
Ormiston Endeavour Academy – Tuesday 1st October – 6.00pm to 8.00pm
Westbourne Academy – Thursday 3rd October – 6.00pm to 8.00pm
Northgate High School – Wednesday 9th October – 6.00pm to 8.30pm
Writing Competition
One of our Year 6 children, Oliwia, recently entered a writing competition and we are thrilled to let you know her work has been published in a book! The book is called ‘The Incredible Diary of Adventures from the East’ and Oliwia’s story is called ‘Cinder Storm’s Adventure.’ The next writing competition for KS2 pupils is to write a poem about monsters. Please see Mrs Greggor if you would like more information.
Residential Trips
We are very pleased to confirm that we are again offering Year 4 to Year 6 the chance to attend a Residential Trip as detailed below:
Year 4 – Eaton Vale Activity Centre, Norwich. 22nd June 2020 to 24th June 2020. Activities include abseiling, canoeing, crate climbing, raft building and archery. Cost: £170.
Year 5 – Essex Outdoors, Mersea Island. Week commencing 22nd June 2020. Activities include abseiling, canoeing, crate climbing, raft building, quad biking and archery. Cost: £170.
Year 6 – Kip on the Ship, London. 17th June 2020 to 19th June 2020 (to be confirmed). Activities are likely to include visiting 10 Downing Street, the London Eye, and the Science Museum. Cost: £200.
Deposits of £30 need to be paid by half term in October to secure a place. Any questions please speak to a member of the Office Team.
PFA (Parents and Friends Association)
Could you spare a few hours to come along and join our PFA? As a school we rely on the help and support of parents and friends to enable our children to enjoy extra activities such as the school discos and the popular Christmas and Summer Fairs. Meetings are held after school and if you have children they are welcome to sit and wait for you in the school library. It would be great to have some extra help. If you are interested please attend our first meeting at 3.15 pm on Thursday 3rd October for more information.
Y5 Greek Day
Year 5 had a great day learning about Ancient Greece as part of our enquiry curriculum. Thank you to everyone who helped to make the day so special.
Dates for the Diary
Tuesday 1st October – Walk in the Local Area – Lions Class
Wednesday 2nd October - Walk in the Local Area – Giraffes Class
Wednesday 2nd October – Accelerated Reader Presentation – Year 3 Parents/Carers – 2.30pm
Friday 4th October - Walk in the Local Area – Elephants Class
Tuesday 15th October – School Disco
Monday 21st October to Friday 25th October – Half Term Holiday
Thursday 14th November – Parents/Carers Evening
Friday 15th November – Flu Immunisation – Year R to Year 6
Wednesday 20th November – Parents/Carers Evening
Thursday 28th November – Whole School Team Building Day
Saturday 7th December – Christmas Fair
Tuesday 10th December – Year 1 Christmas Play (9.45 am and 2.15 pm)
Thursday 12th December – Year 2 Christmas Play (9.45 am and 2.15 pm)
Tuesday 17th December – EYFS and KS1 – Christmas Dinner
Wednesday 18th December – KS2 – Christmas Dinner
Friday 20th December to Friday 3rd January – Christmas Holiday
Monday 6th January – PD Day – School Closed to children
Monday 17th February to Friday 21st February – Half Term Holiday
Friday 3rd April to Friday 17th April – Easter Holidays
Friday 8th May – May Bank Holiday
Friday 22nd May – PD Day – School Closed to children
Monday 25th May to Friday 29th May – Half Term Holiday
Wednesday 22nd July – PD Day – School Closed to Children
Thursday 23rd July – First Day of Summer Holiday