Whitehouse Weekly Bulletin 170
Friday 5th November 2021
Message from Mrs Hall
Welcome back to a new half-term at Whitehouse. Thank you for your continued patience, understanding and support regarding the changes we have had to implement due to covid-19. We will be holding virtual parent’s/carer’s evenings this month and we are all looking forward to sharing the great learning that is taking place daily. You should have received this half-term’s curriculum newsletter sharing what the children are learning. If you haven’t received a copy these can be found on our website: https://www.whcps.org/the-whitehouse-curriculum/. Thank you for your continued support.
Attendance for the week before Half Term
Class with the Best Attendance – Red Pandas (98.1%)
The theme of our assemblies for next week will be: Why is our Family History important to us? UNRC Link: Article 9: I have the right to live with my parents unless it is bad for me. Resources related to this assembly will soon be available on our website. To access them, simply go to Learning and click on our Enquiry Based Assemblies.
Purple Man Reading Competition
The winners of the Purple Man Reading Competition the week before half term were Tigers (UKS2) and Hedgehogs (LKS2). Hedgehogs have been incredible this term so far, so well done to the whole class.
Christmas Shoeboxes
Whitehouse Baptist Church are again supporting the Christmas Shoebox appeal, and they are gathering items to make up shoeboxes which are sent to boys and girls throughout the world who lack many of the items we take for granted. If you would like to donate an item or two to help their appeal we are acting as a drop off point for them. The kinds of items they need are: small cuddly toys, bars of soap, combs, toothbrushes, stationery items, socks, sunglasses and small toys such as yo-yos or skipping ropes. Items need to arrive at school by Thursday 18th November at the latest. Please note there are some items which are not able to be accepted including sweets and chocolate, liquids and toothpaste. More details can be found on the leaflet which we will share with parents/carers by email. It is a really lovely and easy way to help your child learn about helping those in need.
Lower Key Stage 2:
Class | Wonderful Week | Wonderful Week | Handwriting Award |
Badgers | Vana | Aleena | Kai |
Owls | Harrison | Jayden | Lacey |
Rabbits | Violet | Josh | Ruari |
Hedgehogs | Olivia | Emily | Jazmine |
Squirrels | Amberley | Summer | Kacey-Mae |
Upper Key Stage 2:
Class | Wonderful Week | Wonderful Week | Handwriting Award |
Jaguars | Whole Class |
| Oliwia |
Lemurs | Alysha | Tyler | Danielius |
Lizards | Maddison | Malen | Andra |
Red Pandas | Kayden | Deena | Meran |
Chameleons | Paul | Connor | Lily |
Toucans | Harvey | Logan | Leah |
Rights Ambassadors
A big thank you to all of our KS2 children who applied to become Rights Ambassadors so that they could work towards enhancing children’s rights even further at Whitehouse. Our new Rights Ambassadors are:
Year 3 | Lincoln | Kyla-Marie |
Year 4 | Oscar | Kacey-Mae |
Year 5 | Ava-Leigh / Mohammed | Laniyha / Cameron |
Year 6 | Hayden / Emily | Jack / Ellie |
The first thing the Rights Ambassadors wanted to do was to have a look at the displays throughout the school to see which of the rights were being promoted. This was followed by a discussion about the rights which were most important to them and why. They were then given a copy of the rights and asked to produce a bubble which will be displayed on our RRSA board. Both Mme Godet and Mrs Gelling were very impressed by the thoughtfulness, teamwork and maturity the children demonstrated during the meeting and are very much looking forward to working with the Rights Ambassadors to make Whitehouse an even better place to live, learn and work.
Library News
Liz Pichon, the author of the very popular Tom Gates books, has now brought out a new book called Shoe Wars. In the Key Stage 2 library this month there is a competition to win one of 30 sampler copies of this book. Years 3 and 4 are asked to design a new pair of Tom Gates trainers and Years 5 and 6 have to guess the characters from their descriptions. Watch out for the arrival of the actual book coming soon!
This term we have noticed an increase in children wearing earrings to school on their PE days. Can we please remind you of the following information:
Please note these restrictions are in place to ensure the safety of your children and we thank you for your co-operation in this matter.
Dinner Money
Please can we remind parents/carers to ensure they are regularly topping up their dinner money accounts on Arbor and not showing a negative balance. Alternatively, you can put cash or cheque in an envelope with your child’s name and amount of cash enclosed and leave it at the main office.
Online Safety: Squid Games
Over the last few weeks, teachers and children at our school have raised concerns about a new Netflix series called Squid Games. Children across the school, right down to Reception, have been overheard discussing episodes of the show and some have also raised concerns about the violent content that they have seen. Please see the next page for further guidance and advice for parents/carers regarding this issue. Please be aware that the TV series has an age restriction of 15+ and is not suitable for primary aged children.
Dates for the Diary
Thursday 18th November – Parents Evening (virtual meetings)
Friday 19th November – Children in Need (Non-uniform day)
Monday 22nd November – Ipswich Museum – Year 6 Ocelots and Chameleons
Tuesday 23rd November – Ipswich Museum – Year 6 Tigers and Toucans
Wednesday 24th November – Parents Evening (virtual meetings)
Thursday 25th November – Flu Immunisation (Year 5 and Catch up Session)
Friday 26th November – RRSA Whole School Day
Friday 3rd December – Bank Holiday for Jubilee (School Closed)
Friday 17th December – Last Day of Autumn Term
Monday 20th December to Monday 3rd January – Christmas Holiday
Tuesday 4th January – PD Day (School Closed to Children)
Monday 21st February to Friday 25th February – Half Term Holiday
Monday 28th February – PD Day (School Closed to Children)