Monday 18th March 2024
Ipswich Hindu Samaj Visit – Year 6
Dear Parents and Carers,
As you know, we always try to provide opportunities for pupils to enhance their learning across the curriculum. Pupils have enjoyed visits linked to their learning in history and geography, and there are opportunities to visit places linked with other subjects. Such visits are valuable in enhancing our school’s provision for spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and in preparing pupils for life in modern Britain, with its increasingly diverse communities.
Next half-term, the children in Year 6 will be studying Hinduism in RE. A visit to the Hindu Samaj Temple is a fascinating opportunity for the pupils to get an insight into a modern community and meet some of the lovely people who live and work there. We hope it will bring pupils’ learning to life and allow them to be curious about the faith and its practices.
At Whitehouse, RE is taught as an understanding of different religions and beliefs, from an unbiased perspective. In our view it is an essential part of the curriculum which is becoming more and more important as British society becomes more diverse. We feel strongly that pupils need a good understanding of different cultures, in order to learn respect for others and practise the values of acceptance, respect and unity.
The visit will take place within usual school time and normal school uniform should be worn. During the experience, your child will be asked to take off their shoes to enter the temple. Please ensure that they are wearing clean socks during the trip. Your child will not need to take anything else with them on the day.
Below is a timetable for the visit planned for Wednesday 24th April and Thursday 25th April:
| Wednesday 24th April | Thursday 25th April |
9:45 – 10:45 | Chameleons | Tigers |
11:00 – 12:00 | Toucans |
The cost per child is a voluntary contribution of £3, which covers admission and coach transport. This is a wonderful opportunity for the children to experience RE ‘hands on’.
Please note consent and payment can be made via Arbor, or alternatively please complete the attached form and return to the office with payment.
Thank you for your continued support.
Kind Regards,
Miss Payne, Mr Johnson and Mr Taylor
Year 6 Teachers