The school have increased the number of Ipads to provide further opportunities for children to develop a range of skills. The children have access to a range of educational applications to support and enhance their learning. In the class we use these to support AR reading, providing children with more opportunities to quiz. Furthermore, classes have enjoyed researching and finding answers to key questions relating to our enquiry units of work.
- This summer we have been trialling a Maths programme TT Rockstars, this aims to improve times table recall. The Ipads all have this programme and children have access to these during Maths lessons. We will be continuing to develop the use of TT Rockstars into the new academic year.
- Children in Upper Key Stage 2 had the opportunity to access a Computing after school club to develop skills such as producing a PowerPoint presentation. Those who attended were awarded a certificate. We are hoping to continue to develop this into the new school year.