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Friday 10th January 2020

Message from Mrs Hall


It has been a super start to the New Year and I have been really impressed with the children’s positive attitudes to their learning. Many children used part of the holidays to research their new enquiry topics and complete lots of reading – well done. If you would like to see the wonderful work in school, do make an appointment with the office and I would be happy to show parents/carers around the school. We are very proud of our children and school.


Attendance for the last week of the Autumn Term



                              Class with the Best Attendance – Squirrels (97.8%)

Classes with the Best Punctuality – Lions, Cobras, Robins, Rabbits, Jaguars, Chameleons and Tigers

Class that needs to improve their Attendance – Seahorses (93.3%)

Classes that need to improve their Punctuality – Frogs, Badgers and Owls



Well done to the Squirrels class who had the best attendance for the month of December, with 98.1%. The class will have a non-uniform day on Friday 17th January.


Grandparents Lunch

Today we had Year 6 Grandparents join us for a lunch of fish and chips.  What a lovely experience for everyone involved.  We look forward to seeing many more Grandparents join us for lunch.  This week we sent letters out to Years 3 and 4, so please make sure you pre-book by the deadlines given if Grandparents plan to come along.  Letters will be sent out to Years 2, 1 and EYFS in the coming weeks.  Check ‘Dates for the Diary’ at the end of the newsletter for a full list of the dates for each year group.



The theme of our assemblies for next week will be: Epiphany: What is the significance of the Epiphany in the Christian calendar? Resources related to this assembly will soon be available on our website.  To access them, simply go to Learning and click on our Enquiry Based Assemblies.


Parent/Carers Session – Year 1

We are pleased to let you know that Year 1 Parents/Carers are invited into school on Tuesday 4th February at 2.30pm to help the children make bird feeders.  We look forward to seeing you!


Celebrating School Successes

Did you see the wonderful article in the Ipswich Evening Star over Christmas which highlighted the successes we have had as a school?  Following our Good Ofsted rating we have also celebrated a wonderful Gold EAL award.  Here is the link for you to have a look: 


Library News

Just a reminder that the Early Years Library is open after school on Tuesdays for all Early Years and Key Stage 1 children (Years 1 and 2) to choose sharing books and to change their reading book if needed.  We have lots of lovely books to choose from and children love being read to.


School Parliament News

The School Parliament received the following email from Councillor Lucy Trenchard over the Christmas Period: “I am just dropping you a note to let you know that I have just received confirmation from the relevant department at Ipswich Borough Council that the requested waste bin has recently been installed outside the back entrance to the school on Waterford Road.  I am so pleased that I was able to respond to one of the requests made to me by the School Parliament Representatives when I visited on 29th October and I did want to make sure they were congratulated for making a difference.  I feel it is so important that people recognise that everyone can make a difference by getting engaged and involved and speaking up for change.  They can help bring about changes in their local area…I want them to feel empowered.” Thank you to Lucy for her continued support towards Whitehouse and our School Parliament.


Times Tables Rockstars Parent/Carer Session – Year 4

Our Year 4 teachers would like to invite all parents/carers of the children in Badgers, Owls and Rabbits to a Times Tables Rockstars Session with their children on Friday 14th February.  The session will be at the start of the day (8.45am) and will last for half an hour.  This will be followed by a 5 minute discussion with parents/carers about the program.  We hope as many of you as possible will be able to stay and join in the session with the children.  Thank you for your continued support.


NSPCC Non Uniform Day

We are pleased to let you know we will be holding a non-uniform day to raise money for the NSPCC which we are sure you will agree is a wonderful cause.  This will be held on Friday 31st January and a suggested donation would be £1.00 per child.


Curriculum Maps

If you haven’t received a paper copy of the curriculum overviews for your child’s class, please visit our website for more information:


Car Park

We note there are still several parents/carers who are using the school car park when dropping children off to Breakfast Club or collecting from after-school clubs.  Can we please remind you that this is not permitted to ensure the safety of our children.  Thank you for your co-operation.


Dates for the Diary

Friday 17th January – Grandparents Lunch – Year 5

Friday 24th January – Grandparents Lunch – Year 4

Friday 31st January – Grandparents Lunch – Year 3

Friday 31st January – Non uniform day for NSPCC

Tuesday 4th February – EAL Coffee Morning

Tuesday 4th February – Year 1 Parents/Carers Session 2.30pm – Making Bird Feeders

Wednesday 5th February – NSPCC Online Safety Parent/Carer Workshops – 2.00pm / 4.00pm

Thursday 6th February – Young Voices – Choir to the O2

Friday 7th February – Grandparents Lunch – Year 2

Friday 7th February – Victorian Day – Year 4

Thursday 13th February – French for the Family afternoon workshop - (Badgers) – 1.10pm

Friday 14th February – Times Tables Rockstar Session – Year 4 – 8.45am

Monday 17th February to Friday 21st February – Half Term Holiday

Friday 28th February – Grandparents Lunch – Year 1

Thursday 5th March - Parents/Carers’ Evening

Friday 6th March – Grandparents Lunch – Year R

Wednesday 11th March- Parents/Carers’ Evening

Thursday 19th March – Whole School Science Day

Friday 3rd April to Friday 17th April – Easter Holidays

Friday 8th May – May Bank Holiday

Friday 22nd May – PD Day – School Closed to children

Monday 25th May to Friday 29th May – Half Term Holiday

Friday 26th June Sports Day (Morning) - Reception, Year 1 and Year 2

 Friday 26th June Sports Day (Afternoon) - Year 3 and Year 4

Friday 3rd July Day (Afternoon) - Year 5 and Year 6

Wednesday 8th July – High School Transition Day

Thursday 9th July – High School Transition Day

Wednesday 22nd July – PD Day – School Closed to Children

Thursday 23rd July – First Day of Summer Holiday
