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09-10-2024 Year 4 Dentist Visit

9th October 2024


Year 4: Local Dentist Visit



Dear Parent/Carer,


As part of our science topic this half term we are learning about teeth. We will be learning about the importance of dental hygiene. We would like to give children the opportunity to see how well they brush their teeth.


On Monday 14th October 2024 we will be visited by a local dentist when the children will clean their teeth and then chew a disclosing tablet, which will stain the areas of their teeth that they have missed when brushing. They will then brush these areas again to see how they can improve their brushing technique / realise the importance of effective dental hygiene. The dye is non-permanent and will not harm their teeth or gums. Following this, children will discuss effective methods of brushing and what constitutes good dental hygiene and some of the risks associated with poor brushing / diet on dental health.


Your child will be provided with a new toothbrush for this. Please fill in the permission forms to state that your child can take part in this experience.


Thank you,




Mrs Anderson, Mrs Cousins, Miss Ward and Miss Adams

Year 4 Teachers
