Whitehouse Weekly Bulletin 186
Friday 18th March 2022
Message from Mrs Hall
We appreciate the cooperation of parents and carers during the drop off and pick up arrangements for all the pupils. During the morning, if your child is in KS2 and they are able to walk to their class on their own please say goodbye to them at the gate as this will alleviate congestion on the busy paths. As from Monday 21st March, Y6 children will return to using the Marlow Road and Waterford Road entrances to arrive and leave from school. In addition, if your child walks to school on their own or with friends, please encourage them to come straight to school as we have been made aware that some children are stopping to play with friends on the way to school placing themselves at increased risk and disturbing members of the local community. Thank you for your continued support.
Attendance for the previous week
Class with the Best Attendance – Giraffes (98.1%)
Fundraising Day
A reminder that on Monday 21st March, we are excited to also hold an ‘odd socks day!’ to recognise World Down Syndrome Day. As many of you will know we have a child in school who has Downs Syndrome. Rex is a popular member of the school community and we are happy to support him and his family as we invite everyone to wear odd socks for the day! We look forward to seeing some colourful feet that day! If you would like and are able to donate a little to this cause any money received would be gratefully received. Donations for World Down Syndrome Day can also be made here: https://www.ds-int.org/donate-today#DonateNow.
Purple Man Reading Competition
Well done to Toucans (UKS2) and Squirrels (LKS2) for winning the Purple Man Reading Competition last week.
Class | Wonderful Week | Wonderful Week |
Puffins | Anya | Martin Junior |
Seahorses | Mila | Hendrix |
Starfish | Isabelle | Lina |
Key Stage 1:
Class | Wonderful Week | Wonderful Week | Handwriting Award |
Elephants | Teddy | Havanna | Maisie |
Giraffes | Poppy | Brooklyn | Hanasa |
Lions | Aaron-James | Maria | Nova |
Cobras | Alaina-Hope | Alehandro | Andrei |
Dragons | Amelia | Jason | Lacie-Mai |
Frogs | Poppy | Lucas | Patrick |
Lower Key Stage 2:
Class | Wonderful Week | Wonderful Week | Handwriting Award |
Badgers | Ethan | Adnan | Vana |
Foxes | Isa | Myla | John |
Owls | Lincoln | Jacob | Joni |
Rabbits | Ruari | Kyla-Marie | Josh |
Hedgehogs | Rebecca | Logan | Harvey |
Squirrels | Tawhid | McKenzie | Bahand |
Upper Key Stage 2:
Class | Wonderful Week | Wonderful Week | Handwriting Award |
Jaguars | Maksas | Aironas | Anna-Maria |
Lemurs | Sophia | Maria-Jay | Max |
Lizards | The Whole Class |
| Filip |
Red Pandas | Kayden | Amari | Isla |
Chameleons | Alfie | Jack | Erin |
Ocelots | Syako | Ala | Maddison |
Tigers | Daren | Riley | Bahez |
Toucans | Oliver | Connor | Daisy |
News from the Sports Leaders
My name is Mylie and I am a Sports Leader. To become a Sports Leader I had to fill in a letter and explain why I would like to have the role and what qualities I would bring to it.
The first thing we did was to lead Multi-Skills sessions with the Year 1, 2 and 3 classes.
I really enjoy being a Sports Leader because I really like participating in sports and I like working as a team and helping people.
Mylie – Year 5 Sports Leader
Reading Recommendations
Please see below the latest recommendations for books to read to help the children to widen their book choices. There will be rewards for any children who read and quiz on these books.
Year 3: Badgers | Mr Stink by David Walliams | Year 3: Foxes | The Twin Giants by Dick King-Smith |
Year 3: Owls | Look Up! By Nathan Bryon | Year 3: Rabbits | Sadie and Ratz by Sonya Hartnett |
Year 4: Hedgehogs | The Hodgeheg by Dick King-Smith | Year 4: Squirrels | Desirable by Frank Cottrell Boyce |
Year 5: Jaguars | Boy, Missing by Sophie McKensie | Year 5: Lemurs | The Bewitching of Aveline Jones by Phil Hickes |
Year 5: Lizards | Horrible Science: Painful Poison by Nick Arnold | Year 5: Red Pandas | Boy, Missing by Sophie McKensie |
Year 6: Chameleons | Harriet Tubman (Little People, Big Dreams) by Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara | Year 6: Ocelots | Henry’s Freedom Box by Ellen Levine |
Year 6: Tigers | There’s a Boy in the Girl’s Bathroom by Louis Sachar | Year 6: Toucans | The Edge of the World by Julia Green |
RRSA Ambassadors Meeting
It was wonderful to welcome parents/carers back into Whitehouse last week as our RRSA (Rights Respecting School) Ambassadors talked passionately about their rights and were delighted to offer their guests a tour around the school.
Some of the parents’ comments on the day:
“It is great that Jack is getting involved with the Children’s Rights. He is not only speaking for himself but for his peers as a whole as well, which is wonderful.” – Jack’s Dad (Y6)
“Coming to school today was useful and interesting because you don’t always hear about those things from the children. We will be able to engage with the rights at home now and discuss them with the children. It was absolutely wonderful.” Oliver’s Mum and Dad (Y6)
Parents/Carers Evening
Thank you to all those who attended our virtual Parents/Carers Evening this week, it is always a lovely opportunity to discuss how the children are progressing. We have our second evening this coming week on Thursday, so if you have not yet made an appointment there is still time to do so. Please contact the School Office if you require assistance to make the appointment.
Whole School Wellbeing Day – Friday 25th March
Acting on the findings of its latest whole-school RRSA survey, Whitehouse is organising a whole-school Wellbeing Day on Friday 25th March focused on the five main areas which the NHS and other mental health organisations suggest anyone can take to improve their mental health and wellbeing. Class teachers have planned a range of activities which will enable children to get to know themselves, express feelings, keep active, eat healthily, learn to relax, learn a new skill, develop healthy relationships and care for others. Pupils and staff are looking forward to what promises to be a very exciting and enriching learning day.
Wellbeing Day: Special Guest
As part of Wellbeing Day, children in Early Years and KS1 will have the opportunity to learn a bit more about caring for an animal with a lovely little boy called Alfie and his owner, Mme Godet. Alfie is a Bichon Frisé dog who is registered with the charity ‘Pets as Therapy’ and has been fully vetted to work with children. If your child is in Nursery, Reception or KS1 and for any reason you DO NOT want him/her to be part of this activity, please send an email to the school office on parents@whcps.org so that alternative arrangements can be made. Children will be made aware, prior to the session, on how to be safe around dogs, but please could you spend a few minutes reinforcing the message to your child by going through the following advice from the Dogs’ Trust at home. Thank you for your support. It is going to a be a lovely day for Alfie and the children.
Year 6 Art Club
Last week was our first session of Art Club in Year 6. After a unanimous vote from everyone attending, we spent our first session exploring a range of mediums and practising blending and mixing colours to make a range of effects. Everyone chose something different and the finished results look brilliant! Each week we focus on something new so watch this space to see what we create next week.
News from the House Captains
Hello KS2,
We are excited to announce the results of the TTRS Battle between the houses that took place just before half term. We have carefully counted up the results from all the children who took part and the results are in! In 1st place was Emerald House with 74 points, 2nd was Diamond House with 71 points, 3rd was Ruby House with 66 points and 4th was Sapphire House with 51 points. Well done to all of those who took part!
The reward for the winning house is a non-uniform day on Friday 25th March.
The House Captains 😊
Parent/Carer Science Workshops
Are you interested in learning a little more about what your children learn in their science classes in school? Realise Futures are offering the following online workshops aimed at parents/carers of either KS1 or KS2 children which you may find useful. To book a space please call 07738 704754 or email Claire.strath@realisefutures.org.
Dates for the Diary
Monday 21st March – World Down Syndrome Awareness Day (Wear odd socks to school)
Thursday 24th March – Parents Evening (On line)
Friday 25th March – Non-Uniform Day for Emerald House
Friday 25th March – Whole School Wellbeing Day
Thursday 31st March – Rights Respecting School Silver Award Verification Day
Friday 8th April – PD Day (School Closed to Children)
Monday 11th April to Friday 22nd April – Easter Holiday
Tuesday 28th June – Year 5 Kentwell Hall Trip