Whitehouse Weekly Bulletin 120
Thursday 19th December 2019
Message from Mrs Hall
This has been a fantastic term and I have been very proud of all the children continuing to demonstrate ‘The Whitehouse Way’ in their learning (courage, perseverance, reflection and responsibility). I do hope that you and your families have a super Christmas and a great New Year. School starts back for the children on Tuesday 7th January 2020. Thank you for your continued support.
Attendance for the previous week
Class with the Best Attendance – Squirrels (97.8%)
Classes with the Best Punctuality – Lions, Squirrels, Owls, Lemurs and Pandas
Class that needs to improve their Attendance – Seahorses (93.6%)
Classes that need to improve their Punctuality – Frogs, Foxes, Hedgehogs, Tigers and Toucans
Reception Church Visit
Our Reception classes visited St Thomas’ Church on Wednesday where they listened carefully to the Christmas Story and sang songs from their Nativity Play. They also learnt how to sing Away in a Manger. Thank you to Reverend Jutta for the invitation and to our parents who helped to walk the children to the church, the children all enjoyed the trip very much.
After-School Clubs
Please note our after-school clubs for the next half term will begin again on the week commencing 13th January 2020. Texts will be sent out at the beginning of January to confirm whether your child has a space in their preferred clubs.
Breakfast Clubs
Please note breakfast clubs will run as usual from Tuesday 7th January and Gym Trails will commence on Monday 13th January. Please ensure you have booked your spaces for Breakfast Club and ensure payment is made a week in advance.
Key Stage 1:
Class |
Wonderful Week |
Wonderful Week |
Handwriting Award |
Elephants |
Melana |
Ruari |
Connie |
Giraffes |
Paywand |
Tilly |
Aygul |
Lions |
Sara |
Mason |
Jeet |
Cobras |
Jazmine |
Erioluwa |
Archer |
Dragons |
Eva |
Jensen |
Kezia |
Frogs |
Shamil |
Harley |
Connie |
Lower Key Stage 2:
Class |
Wonderful Week |
Wonderful Week |
Handwriting Award |
Foxes |
Kazhwan |
Ramon |
Alfie |
Hedgehogs |
Kye |
Warren |
Mylie |
Robins |
Maddison |
Nojus |
Andra |
Squirrels |
Namo |
Ava-Leigh |
Lilia |
Badgers |
Mason |
Lacey |
Hayden |
Owls |
Jack |
Isobel |
Ala |
Rabbits |
Manasa |
Bahez |
Upper Key Stage 2:
Class |
Wonderful Week |
Wonderful Week |
Handwriting Award |
Jaguars |
Jana |
Olivia |
Harry |
Lemurs |
Daria |
Jensen |
Red Pandas |
Anisah |
Junior |
Kieran |
Chameleons |
Tahlia |
Polly |
Brooke |
Tigers |
Jack |
Dennis |
Jessica |
Toucans |
Sam |
Tia |
George |
Under 11 Sportshall Athletics
Last Thursday Mr Jordan and Ms Salmon took twenty seven of our Year 5 and 6 pupils to compete in the Ipswich and South Suffolk School Games Sportshall Athletics Competition, which took place at Westbourne Academy. Just like the previous year, the competition saw the boys and girls team compete in six adapted indoor track and field events. With each of the events taking place in the same space, at the same time, the atmosphere was again very exciting and extremely loud! Mr Jordan and Ms Salmon were extremely proud of all of the pupils. Their efforts, determination and team spirit during each of the events was truly admirable. As a result of the team’s efforts, they finished a respectable 8th place. Well done to everyone who took part.
Viking Topic
Year 4 have really enjoyed this term’s Viking topic. They have certainly demonstrated the Whitehouse Way and have produced some amazing homework pieces – well done Year 4. Also, the children really enjoyed the opportunity to dress up in Viking costume and take part in some art and drama activities on Tuesday in a celebration event.
House Points
Well done to all the children who have been given house points this half term, we have had more tokens given out than ever before! The winning house this half term was Emerald with 701 tokens. In second place was Diamond with 583, third place was Sapphire with 568 and in fourth place was Ruby with 535. This is a wonderful effort from everyone. As the winning house, all children in Emerald House will be having a non-uniform day on Friday 10th January.
Grandparents Lunch
We look forward to welcoming our Year 5 and 6 Grandparents who have booked to come into school for lunch with us in January. A reminder that this will be extended to the other years in school throughout the first few months. Dates are listed below, so make a note in your diaries! The menu will consist of fish and chips and the cost will be £3.47 for each Grandparent.
Christmas Jumper Day
Thank you for all your kind donations on Christmas Jumper Day. We are pleased to let you know that we raised £384.70 for St Elizabeths Hospice.
Dates for the Diary
Friday 20th December to Friday 3rd January – Christmas Holiday
Monday 6th January – PD Day – School Closed to children
Friday 10th January – Grandparents Lunch – Year 6
Friday 10th January – Non-Uniform day for Emerald House
Friday 17th January – Grandparents Lunch – Year 5
Friday 24th January – Grandparents Lunch – Year 4
Friday 31st January – Grandparents Lunch – Year 3
Thursday 6th February – Young Voices – Choir to the O2
Friday 7th February – Grandparents Lunch – Year 2
Monday 17th February to Friday 21st February – Half Term Holiday
Friday 28th February – Grandparents Lunch – Year 1
Thursday 5th March - Parents/Carers’ Evening
Friday 6th March – Grandparents Lunch – Year R
Wednesday 11th March- Parents/Carers’ Evening
Thursday 19th March – Whole School Science Day
Friday 3rd April to Friday 17th April – Easter Holidays
Friday 8th May – May Bank Holiday
Friday 22nd May – PD Day – School Closed to children
Monday 25th May to Friday 29th May – Half Term Holiday
Friday 26th June Sports Day (Morning) - Reception, Year 1 and Year 2
Friday 26th June Sports Day (Afternoon) - Year 3 and Year 4
Friday 3rd July Day (Afternoon) - Year 5 and Year 6
Wednesday 8th July – High School Transition Day
Thursday 9th July – High School Transition Day
Wednesday 22nd July – PD Day – School Closed to Children
Thursday 23rd July – First Day of Summer Holiday