(Issue: 154)
Friday 21st May 2021
School Website: www.whcps.org
Message from Mrs Hall
It has been another super busy week in school with lots of great learning! Firstly, it has been great to hear the Y6 children singing and starting to learn their lines for this year’s school play - ‘Pirates of the Curry Bean’. In addition, the school garden is beginning to flourish with the strawberries, mint and radishes growing well - the children in Year 4 are continuing to demonstrate responsibility with their continued care of the plants (they hope to be able to try some of the food that they have grown themselves very soon). Also, Year 1 have visited the zoo, Year 2 have made great collages, Year 3 are preparing for their Roman Day on Tuesday and Year 5 have written amazing newspaper reports about Shackleton’s Journey. A great week for everyone – well done.
Attendance for the Previous Week
Class with the Best Attendance – Robins (96.2%)
The theme of our assembly next week will be on: What do we mean by harm? (UNRC Link: Article 19 – I have the right to be protected from harm. Resources related to this assembly will soon be available on our website. To access them, simply go to Learning and click on our Enquiry Based Assemblies.
Purple Man Award
Well done to Robins and Tigers who won the Purple Man Reading Award last week.
Word Millionaire
A big well done to Imogen who became a Word Millionaire this week – what a wonderful achievement!
Science Week
We have a very exciting Science Week planned for next week. Kinetic Science will be visiting us and working for a morning with each year group running exciting workshops with the children; there will be lots of experiments! We know the children will have a wonderful time.
The plan for the week is as follows:
Monday – Year 3 and Year 4
Tuesday – EYFS
Wednesday – Year 5 and Year 6
Thursday – Year 1 and Year 2
Year 2 – Art
Our Year 2 children have continued their work looking at the artist Archimboldo and this week they made some pictures in his style, using fruit and vegetables. Don’t they look great?
Families Suffolk Magazine
Have you heard of the Families Suffolk Magazine? This is an online product which has lots of ideas of things you can do as a family over the Half Term Holiday at the end of this month. This issue also has an article on clubs and classes, plus lots of fantastic competitions and giveaways, including the chance to win a trampoline! If you want to have a look for some ideas, it can be viewed here:https://issuu.com/familiesonline/docs/may_-_june_2021_-_issue_59_-_digital?fr=sMjYwOTM2NjIwMzA
Class | Wonderful Week | Wonderful Week |
Dolphins | Eloise | Prathisha |
Puffins | Teddy | Danny |
Seahorses | Effie | Brooklyn |
Starfish | Marley | Samson |
Key Stage 1:
Class | Wonderful Week | Wonderful Week | Handwriting Award |
Elephants | Poppy | Lucas | Brody |
Giraffes | Monserat | Destiny | Kezzia-Belle |
Lions | The Whole Class! |
Cobras | Sara | Mason | Roxanne |
Dragons | Jacob | Noah | Noah |
Frogs | Leo | Aygul | Leyland |
Lower Key Stage 2:
Class | Wonderful Week | Wonderful Week | Handwriting Award |
Badgers | Samuel | Jessica | Cameron |
Owls | Henry | Erioluwa | Sophie |
Rabbits | Charlie | Max | Dylan |
Foxes | Maria-Adelina | Nate | Sophia |
Hedgehogs | Jayden | Georgia | Maxi |
Robins | Chiara | Imogen | Salma |
Squirrels | Vakaris | Lucah | Oliwia |
Upper Key Stage 2:
Class | Wonderful Week | Wonderful Week | Handwriting Award |
Jaguars | Elsie | Paul | Derin |
Lemurs | Alex | Connor | Tyler |
Red Pandas | Leah | Payam | Emily |
Chameleons | Charlie | Brooke | Sara-Maria |
Ocelots | Cody | Rhys | Urte |
Tigers | Lelan | Dida | Ignas |
Toucans | Phoebe | Carmen |
Year 1 – Zoo Visit
Our Year 1 classes would have been due to visit Colchester Zoo but unfortunately due to the Covid-19 restrictions, it was not possible to go. The wonderful Year 1 teachers did not want the children to miss out, so they brought the zoo to Whitehouse instead! The children had a lovely day visiting the animals, having a special snack and even getting their own tickets. Everyone had a fantastic day!
Did you know that we have a local Brownies group in the area? They are finally able to go back to face-to-face meetings after half-term and will go back to meeting in the school each Monday evening. They have some spaces for a few new children to join them, so if your child is interested please read these details on how to get involved.
Academy Consultation Survey
As part of the consultation on the proposal for Whitehouse Community Primary School to convert to academy status and join Children’s Endeavour Trust, the Governing Body has commissioned a survey of staff and parents/carers.
Now that the consultation meetings have finished, the survey is now open and can found at Whitehouse CPS Academy Consultation May 2021. The survey will close at 6.00pm on Thursday, June 10th.
We would encourage staff and parents/carers to complete the survey so that the Governing Body has the fullest understanding of your views on this proposal.
Dates for the Diary
Monday 24th May – Thursday 27th May – Science Week
Tuesday 25th May – Year 3 Roman Day
Monday 31st May – Friday 4th June – Half Term Holiday
Friday 11th June – End of Academy Consultation Period
Thursday 24th June – Suffolk Day (Art focus)
Thursday 24th June – Year 6 Mersea Trip
Friday 25th June – Year 6 Mersea Trip
Thursday 1st July – Year 5-6 Sports Day
Friday 2nd July – Year 3-4 Sports Day
Friday 2nd July – Year R, 1 and 2 Sports Day
Friday 9th July – Reports Sent Home
Monday 12th July – House Captain Elections
Tuesday 13th July – Year 6 Production (Cast 1)
Wednesday 14th July – Year 6 Production (Cast 2)
Thursday 15th July – Nursery Sports Event
Wednesday 21st July – Start of the Summer Holiday