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Science Week

Science Week 


What an exciting week we have had!! The whole school from Nursery to Year 6 have been involved in a range of exciting Science workshops and experiments! 


We were very lucky to have Kinetic Science come into school to offer workshops for every class. 

We also looked at Science careers that the children might like to do when they are older. For example aerodynamic engineer or an oceanographer. 


All the classes were involved in lots of exciting investigations in the class, as we got to explore the 'fun' science such as coke and mentos volcanoes and colour mixing. 



EYFS loved their workshop on space and the planets. They trained like astronauts, working really hard to get their hearts beating fast. 


The used giant inflatable planets to put them in the right order and dropped rocks into sand to explore the craters on the moon. 


Back in the classroom, they had the chance to explore magnets, ice, floating and sinking and bubble wrap! 


They all loved seeing what happened when we put the mentos in the diet coke and watched the explosion! 

What did we like best? 


  • I liked it when we dropped the stones in the sand.
  • I liked it when the coke exploded.
  • I liked holding the planets.
  • I loved doing the planet painting.
  • I liked it when we held the planets.
  • I liked holding Venus.
  • I liked the bit where we put the paper and skittles with water and it changed colour.
  • I liked holding the sun.
  • I liked doing the volcano experiment.
  • It made me feel happy!




Year 1 and 2 took part in an exciting workshop about Kitchen Chemistry! 


They loved mixing potions together to make a traffic light of green, yellow and red. They then mixed ingredients together to create a volcano in an egg cup! This was so much fun! 


Back in the class, they used their detective skills to work out what the zoomed in objects could be. 


They loved mixing ingredients to try to make slime from cornflower! And even explored colours using paper towels and water. 


What a fun day!

What did we think of Science Day?


  • Making volcanoes was soooo exciting!
  • I loved Science day - it was so much fun.
  • Flying the paper helicopters was my favourite.
  • My favourite part of science week was making a volcano it was spraying everywhere!

  • We made sycamore seed helicopters and mine was spinning so fast you couldn’t see it’s shape anymore.
  • Science is actually really cool!
  • I can't believe we got to be scientists and do science all day! This is the best day ever!


  • Look at the lovely colours I am making with the food dye, it's all mixing together!
  • When I grow up I want to make prosthetic legs and arms so I can help people. I didn't know it could be a job!
  • Look, I've actually made a traffic light by myself!





Lower KS2


Year 3 and 4 loved investigating a crime scene during their Science Day workshop. They took on the role of the police and wrote down clues about a crime scene. What had happened? Why was there a body outline on the floor? Who was it? 


They then loved taking their finger prints off a cup. Using hand cream and a fine powder, they were able to dust for fingerprints and left them using sellotape. Back in the class, they were able to analyse their fingerprints and look for loops and arches. The children loved this activity and learnt that all fingerprints are unique! 


In their classrooms, the children loved combining different liquids to cause a volcano explosion! This was great fun and the children showed amazing teamwork working with their friends!

What did we think of Science Day?


  • My favourite part of Science Day was the crime investigation because it was very exciting and we checked our own fingerprints. That’s why I love Science Day!
  • My favourite part was the volcano experiment, density experiment, crime investigation, fingerprint checking.
  • My favourite part was the crime investigation and volcano eruption.
  • My favourite part of Science Day was the part with the volcano experiment.

Upper KS2


Year 5 and 6 had a great time investigating the crime scene, just like year 3 and 4. They were excellent observers and wrote down all the things they could see at the crime scene, from the body outline to the birthday card that red 'what a time to die!'. Many children expressed that they would love to do this as a job when they are older. 


In the classrooms, Year 5 measured their feet and found out how flexible their foot was. 

Year 6 worked with eggs and had to create a parachute that would stop their egg from breaking when dropped from a height. Well done to those teams who were able to prevent theirs breaking. 


A great day was had by all and hopefully the children have deepened their Science knowledge and consider Science based careers in the future. 

What did we think of the day? 


  • I really enjoyed the crime part of the Science experiment.
  • I loved making my finger prints but I didn’t like measuring my foot and that we didn’t find out who killed the person in the crime scene.
  • I liked the videos for the jobs.
  • It was really fun, my favourite was the fingerprints.
  • In all honesty, I enjoyed yesterday (Science Day)! I mostly enjoyed the crime scene activity and I disliked the feet experiment.
  • It was the best.
  • I liked the crime scene and that we needed to find the evidence.
  • I liked learning about what we are going to be when we’re older.
  • I absolutely loved it. The best part was making the finger prints on the jar.