Whitehouse Weekly Bulletin 196
Friday 17th June 2022
Message from Mrs Hall
We are delighted that the Summer Fair will be returning to Whitehouse this year on Friday 15th July. This event will be organised by our new P.F.A, with the help of school staff and children. It was great that so many parents were able to attend the first meeting. If you would like to join the P.F.A and have some time to help run events and share ideas, then please contact: pfa@whcps.org We do hope that you will be able to support this event, so that we can raise some money for new resources for the children. Thank you for your continued support.
Attendance for the previous week
Class with the best attendance: Hedgehogs (97.10%)
The theme of our assemblies for next week will be: Introducing Career Day. UNRC Link: Article 12: I have the right to an opinion and for it to be listened to and taken seriously, and Article 13: I have the right to find out things and say what I think through making art, speaking and writing, unless it breaks the right of others. Resources related to this assembly will soon be available on our website. To access them, simply go to Learning and click on our Enquiry Based Assemblies.
School Uniform Shop: PMG Ipswich
Please note the School Uniform Shop, PMG Ipswich, have asked us to share the following information with you. They will be running an appointment system again over the summer this year as it has proved popular in recent years. From 1st July 2022, all parents/carers who wish to visit their shop can book an appointment by visiting www.pmgschoolwear.co.uk and clicking on the link at the top of the page.
Please note parents/carers are encouraged to shop early for uniform items. The cut-off date this year will be 12th August 2022.
Class | Wonderful Week | Wonderful Week |
Puffins | Dante |
Seahorses | Prathisha | Jaxson |
Starfish | Grace | Luke |
Key Stage 1:
Class | Wonderful Week | Wonderful Week | Handwriting Award |
Elephants | Miles | Lavand | Sana |
Giraffes | Joshua | Poppy | Erik |
Lions | Ianys | Adelin | Oskar |
Cobras | Callum | Alexis | Ruby |
Dragons | Marcus | Mahmoud | Amelia |
Frogs | Poppy | Lucas | Noah |
Lower Key Stage 2:
Class | Wonderful Week | Wonderful Week | Handwriting Award |
Badgers | Vana | Scarlett | Taylor |
Foxes | Connie | Ivy | Leonna |
Owls | Vina | Aleah | Evelyn |
Rabbits | Maysa | Frankie | Jamie |
Hedgehogs | Harvey | Henry | Liyoh |
Squirrels | Ehsan | Amberley | Maddison |
Upper Key Stage 2:
Class | Wonderful Week | Wonderful Week | Handwriting Award |
Jaguars | Aros | Lucah | Ruby |
Lemurs | Alysha | Megan | Charlotte |
Lizards | Maddison | Tommy | Lucinda |
Red Pandas | Mylie | Amari | Jasmin |
Chameleons | Jack | Erin | Alfie |
Ocelots | Logan | Isobel | Jack-Aston |
Tigers | Mirac | Caleb | Riley |
Toucans | Maja | Connor | Jayden |
Hot Weather
Can we please remind parents that whilst we are experiencing the nice summer weather, it is vital that your child brings their water bottle to school with them, so they can keep well hydrated. We also would suggest putting suncream on your child before sending them to school in the morning and to send a hat in with them. Thank you for your support.
Purple Man Reading Competition
Well done to the winners of the competition last week: Badgers (Year 3), Squirrels (Year 4), Lemurs (Year 5) and Toucans (Year 6).
Reading Recommendations
Please see below the latest recommendations for books to read to help the children to widen their book choices. There will be rewards for any children who read and quiz on these books.
Year 3: Badgers | Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Cabin Fever by Jeff Kibney | Year 3: Foxes | Horrid Henry and the Zombie Vampires by Francesca Simon |
Year 3: Owls | Captain Pug by Laura James | Year 3: Rabbits | Along the Silk Road by Charlotte Guillain |
Year 4: Hedgehogs | The Sheep Pig by Dick King-Smith | Year 4: Squirrels | The World’s Worst Children by David Walliams |
Year 5: Jaguars | Peak Peril by Sharna Jackson | Year 5: Lemurs | Horrible Histories: The Terrible Tudors by Terry Deary & Neil Tonge |
Year 5: Lizards | Horrible Histories: The Terrible Tudors by Terry Deary & Neil Tonge | Year 5: Red Pandas | The Switch by Anthony Horowitz |
Year 6: Chameleons | You Wouldn’t Want to be a Medieval Knight by Fiona MacDonald | Year 6: Ocelots | Adventures of Robin Hood by Ron Lloyd Jones |
Year 6: Tigers | Measley Middle Ages by Terry Deary | Year 6: Toucans | The Secret of Black Rock by Joe Todd Stanton |
Risk Assessments - Injury
We have had a number of children come into school recently with injuries that have happened over the weekend or in an evening. When this happens, it is important that we put a Risk Assessment in place BEFORE your child returns to school so we can help to ensure the safety of your child. Can we ask that if your child does suffer an injury such as a bad sprain, or a broken bone, that you let the office know as soon as possible. You will be asked to come to the office for a short meeting with our Office Manager, Miss McCullum, where the risk assessment will be prepared and signed by yourself, prior to your child going into class. Thank you for your support.
Recycling for Charity
Over the next few weeks we are running a Geography scheme to help promote recycling across the school. We have decided to support the charity ‘Terracycle’ who collect all types of crisp packets and help turn them into sleeping bag covers for the homeless. Collection boxes have been placed in all of the dining areas. Please make sure any bags donated are clean and not ripped. If you have empty crisp packets at home that you would like to send in, we would love to receive them.
Reception Trip: Easton Farm Park
The Reception children went on their first school trip this week, to Easton Farm Park. They were able to see lots of the farm animals that they have been learning about in class, in real life! Some were tiny, like the newly hatched chicks and the week-old donkey, whilst others were huge, like the Suffolk Punch horses. The children were even lucky enough to be able to get up close and touch some animals too. They decided that the sheep was much softer than the horse and the rabbits even softer! All of the Reception staff were very proud of the behaviour of the children. It made the day a real pleasure. Well done everyone.
Dynamo Cricket Event
Last week Mr Jordan and Ms Salmon took eight of our Year 6 pupils to take part in the Ipswich and South Suffolk School games U11 Dynamo Cricket event held at Ransomes Sports Ground. This was actually the first time that we have taken part in this event and with the event being cancelled in recent years, due to COVID, there were a few initial nerves as to what to expect. Despite this, the team soon got into the swing of things. Implementing their cricket skills from their recent PE lessons, the team showed some fantastic batting and fielding skills. Out of the seven teams taking part, the Whitehouse team finished a very impressive 3rd place overall.
Summer Fair
We are thrilled to let you know our popular Summer Fair is back again this year on Friday 15th July 2022 from 3.15pm to 5.15pm. If you are interested in having a stall, please send an email to pfa@whcps.org with the details. Stalls are £10.00 each. We are also looking for raffle prizes. If anyone is willing to donate or knows a company who would be willing to, that would be wonderful. We will be holding a non-uniform day on Monday 27th June and ask that the children bring in chocolate or something sweet that we can use for the tombola.
We are always looking for new people to join our Parents and Friends of Whitehouse Association. If you are interested, please email the team at pfa@whcps.org
Online Safety: Parent Drop-in Session
Do you have an Online Safety worry? Would you like some advice regarding a specific app/social media space? Why not come and see us next Tuesday, 21st June 2022, between 3.15pm to 4.00pm for a drop-in session in the Marlow Road hall. Mrs Cox and Mrs Welsford will be on hand to support you with any of your queries.
Thank You
Mrs West would like to say a big thank you to all those who have donated books recently to our school libraries recently. We have received some really lovely books which the children will enjoy reading and we appreciate your kind generosity.
Pre-Loved Uniform Shop
We are going to be setting up a Pre-Loved Uniform Shop, where uniform items will be available to purchase for a small contribution. However, we need your help! If you have any spare coat hangers at home, or if anyone has a free-standing clothes rail that they would be willing to donate, they would be gratefully received! Please bring them into the school office marked for Mis Brinkley. Keep an eye out for more updates coming shortly!
Dates for the Diary
Tuesday 21st June – Parent/Carer Online Safety Drop-in Session
Friday 24th June – Career Day
Monday 27th June – Non Uniform Day
Tuesday 28th June – Year 5 Kentwell Hall Trip
Thursday 30th June – RRSA Ambassadors presentation to CET Headteachers
Wednesday 29th June and Thursday 30th June (Transition for Westbourne)
Friday 1st July – Year 2 Duxford Trip (rescheduled)
Monday 4th July to Wednesday 6th July Year 6 Mersea Residential Trip
Wednesday 6th July – Year 1 Sports Day – 10.00am to 11.00am
Wednesday 6th July – Year 2 Sports Day – 11.15am to 12.15pm
Wednesday 6th July – Year 3 Sports Day – 2.00pm to 3.00pm
Thursday 7th July – Year 6 Sports Day – 10.00am to 11.00am
Thursday 7th July – Year 5 Sports Day – 11.15am to 12.15pm
Thursday 7th July – Year 4 Sports Day – 2.00pm to 3.00pm
Friday 8th July – Nursery Sports Day – 9.15am to 10.15am
Friday 8th July – Reception Sports Day – 10.30am to 11.30am
Tuesday 12th July – Year 1 Felixstowe Trip
Tuesday 12th July – Parent/Carer Online Safety Workshop
Wednesday 13th July – Thursday 14th July – Transition Mornings at Whitehouse
Friday 15th July – Reports home to Parents
Friday 15th July – Whitehouse Summer Fair – 3.15pm to 5.15pm
Monday 18th July – Year 6 Production (Cast 1)
Tuesday 19th July – Year 6 Production (Cast 2)
Thursday 21st July – Leavers Assembly
Friday 22nd July 2022 – First day of the Summer Holiday