Whitehouse Weekly Bulletin 166
Friday 1st October 2021
Message from Mrs Hall
I hope you have had the opportunity to watch the school film on our website to gain a glimpse of all the wonderful opportunities available to the children in school. As a staff, we recognise that in order to provide the very best learning opportunities for the children, we must continually develop and improve our own skills and as such, staff training is a valuable part of our work at Whitehouse. Our continual professional development of staff ensures the best interests of the children are at the heart of our work (Rights of the Child, Article 3). As the safeguarding of children is paramount, all staff have already had safeguarding and online safety training this term to ensure that we are up to date with current guidance and know the procedures we must follow. As a reminder, if you have any concerns about the safety of any child the safeguarding lead at Whitehouse is Mr I Williams (Deputy Headteacher). I am also very proud that our school is involved in the training of the teachers of tomorrow with our current staff supporting and providing training sessions for student teachers.
Attendance for the Previous Week
Classes with the Best Attendance – Seahorses, Starfish and Frogs (98.1%)
The theme of our assemblies for next week will be: Introducing Paralympic Week. UNRC Link: Article 23: If I am disabled mentally or physically, I have the right to special care and education to help me develop and lead a full life. Resources related to this assembly will soon be available on our website. To access them, simply go to Learning and click on our Enquiry Based Assemblies.
Purple Man Reading Competition
A big well done to Hedgehogs (LKS2) and Tigers (UKS2) for winning the Purple Man Reading Competition last week. It was very close this week with Squirrels class just 1 minute behind Hedgehogs. Keep up the good work everyone!
KS2 Library
Each month we will be running a competition in our Key Stage 2 Library. Our current competition is all about Roald Dahl. Children who manage to complete the quiz about his books will receive a bookmark. Then, at the end of the competition, which closes on Monday 18th October, eight entries will be chosen at random to win a Roald Dahl book. A copy of the quiz is available in the KS2 library.
Key Stage 1:
Class | Wonderful Week | Wonderful Week | Handwriting Award |
Elephants | Nathan | Parya | Sana |
Giraffes | Rhiannon | Joshua | Sara |
Lions | Lexi-Mae | Daisy-Mai | Aro |
Cobras | Callum | Destiny | Ysra |
Dragons | Blake | Jason | Taius |
Frogs | Erica | David | Mark Aston |
Lower Key Stage 2:
Class | Wonderful Week | Wonderful Week | Handwriting Award |
Badgers | Hasti | Ethan | Mohammed |
Foxes | Connie | Laz | Shay |
Owls | Lacey | Maria | Vina |
Rabbits | Isaac | Maysa | Skye |
Hedgehogs | Jessica | Ozzie | Emily |
Squirrels | McKenzie | Dougie | Bahand |
Upper Key Stage 2:
Class | Wonderful Week | Wonderful Week | Handwriting Award |
Jaguars | Jayden | Alicja | Maja |
Lemurs | Alanna | Kazhwan | Susan |
Lizards | Emma | Salma | Imogen |
Red Pandas | Jayden | Ebunoluwa | Kaci |
Chameleons | Layad | Ellie | Connor |
Ocelots | Lacey | Tyler | Jack-Aston |
Tigers | Deanna | Amber | Bahez |
Toucans | Mason | Manasa | Harvey |
Year 6 Open Evenings
A reminder to parents/carers of our Year 6 children, that all high school applications need to be completed by 31st October 2021. A number of our local high schools have open evenings coming up shortly, which enable parents/carers to learn more about their schools and ask any questions they may have. Please note below the dates/times of these evenings. Further information can be located on the websites of each school.
Chantry Academy – Thursday 7th October 2021. 6.00pm to 8.00pm.
Claydon High School – Wednesday 13th October 2021. Visit the website to select a time slot.
Northgate High School – Wednesday 13th October 2021. 6.00pm to 8.00pm
Westbourne Academy – Thursday 7th October 2021. 6.00pm to 8.00pm.
HSBC Financial Workshops
A big thank you to Harrison, Joshua and Abby from HSBC for providing our children with some engaging financial workshops (via Zoom and in person) this week. We are very much looking forward to them visiting more classes as the year goes on. So far our Year 3 classes have learnt about ‘Money Throughout the Ages’ and our Year 6 classes found out how to feed a family healthily on a budget by taking part in the ‘Super Supper Challenge.’ It was a valuable experience for all involved.
Reading Recommendations
Please see below the latest recommendations for books to read to help the children to widen their book choices. There will be rewards for any children who read and quiz on these books. This week’s recommendations are:
Year 3: Badgers | Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak | Year 3: Foxes | You Must Bring a Sun Hat by Simon Phillip |
Year 3: Owls | The Cat in the Hat by Dr Seuss | Year 3: Rabbits | Voices in the Park by Anthony Browne |
Year 4: Hedgehogs | The Smartest Giant in Town by Julia Donaldson | Year 4: Squirrels | George’s Marvellous Medicine by Roald Dahl |
Year 5: Jaguars | The Secret Lake by Karen Inglis | Year 5: Lemurs | James and the Giant Peach by Roald Dahl |
Year 5: Lizards | James and the Giant Peach by Roald Dahl
| Year 5: Red Pandas | The Amazing Story of Adolphus Tips by Michael Murpurgo |
Year 6: Chameleons | An Elephant in the Garden by Michael Morpurgo | Year 6: Ocelots | Jules Verne’s Journey to the Centre of the Earth retold by Penny Dolan |
Year 6: Tigers | Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone by J K Rowling | Year 6: Toucans | Why the Whales Came by Michael Murpurgo |
After School Club – British Sign Language
At Whitehouse we are keen to equip our pupils with life skills which will serve them well in the future. Also, as a Rights Respecting School, we are committed to fighting discrimination in all its forms and ensuring that ALL children, including those with disabilities, are welcome and thrive in our setting. With this in mind, we are delighted to be able to offer an Introduction to British Sign Language after school club for some of our Year 5 children. It has been extremely well received and our children are keen to look at how we can incorporate more sign language into our school. In the club, the pupils will learn about the history of BSL, they will learn the BSL alphabet and signs for greetings and how to talk about feelings using sign language. It is wonderful to see the children so keen to learn this new skill.
After School Club – Classroom Games
Our Year 2 children have also been busy in their after school clubs, one of which is Classroom Games with Miss Swansborough. The children have loved seeing all of the different games that are available and having a play with each of them.
Dinner Debt
Please note we have a number of children who owe dinner money. Please can we remind parents/carers to check the balance on your parent app and make payment as soon as possible. Thank you.
Year 1 Local Walk
Last week our Year 1 classes each went for a walk around the local area as part of their enquiry topic, ‘Where do I live?’ They behaved very well and enjoyed looking around and noticing things they might not have seen before.
Exciting News: New Parent App
Did you see that we have recently introduced a new parent app? Have you signed up yet? Since moving to academisation we are using a different system to hold all our pupil data and the new app offers much more to our parents/carers also. The app will allow you to update your contact details, check dinner money balances and top up your account and even check on your child’s attendance. Have a look at the link to get some more details: https://www.whcps.org/arbor-parent-app/.
If you have not received a welcome email, please message the school office on parents@whcps.org as it might be that we do not have your correct email address.
*** Job Vacancies in School ***
We are pleased to let you know we currently have job vacancies as detailed below. Full details of the vacancies along with application forms are available on our website: https://www.whcps.org/vacancies/. In addition, application forms can be collected from the school office. The closing date for applications is 10.00am on Friday 8th October 2021.
Lunchtime Assistant:
*** Job Vacancies in School ***
We are pleased to let you know we currently have job vacancies as detailed below. Full details of the vacancies along with application forms are available on our website: https://www.whcps.org/vacancies/. In addition, application forms can be collected from the school office. The closing date for applications is 10.00am on Friday 8th October 2021.
Lunchtime Assistant:
Whitton United Football Club
Do you have a Year 3 or 4 child who enjoys playing football? If so, why not go along to a free training session with Whitton United Football Club, who are looking for some new players. If you are interested in finding out more please call Ryan on 07543 903415.
Dates for the Diary
Monday 4th October – Framlingham Castle Trip – Year 2
Friday 22nd October – PD Day (School Closed to Children)
Monday 25th to Friday 29th October – Half Term Holiday
Thursday 18th November – Parents Evening (remote)
Monday 22nd November – Ipswich Museum – Year 6 Ocelots and Chameleons
Tuesday 23rd November – Ipswich Museum – Year 6 Tigers and Toucans
Wednesday 24th November – Parents Evening (remote)
Friday 26th November – RRSA Whole School Day
Friday 17th December – Last Day of Autumn Term
Monday 20th December to Monday 3rd January – Christmas Holiday
Tuesday 4th January – PD Day (School Closed to Children)
Monday 21st February to Friday 25th February – Half Term Holiday
Monday 28th February – PD Day (School Closed to Children)