School Trips at Whitehouse Community Primary School
Why do school trips matter?
Trips and visits are an integral part of our curriculum at Whitehouse Community Primary School and all year groups will have either a trip or special guests visiting school each term. We value the importance of trips as they help the children to engage with their learning and provide opportunities for the children to deepen their understanding through first hand experiences. Trips and visits are regularly linked to the curriculum in history and geography and RE. Such visits are valuable in enhancing our school’s provision for spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and in preparing pupils for life in modern Britain, with its increasingly diverse communities.
Why are parents asked to pay for trips?
To support us in delivering school trips, we often ask parents for a ‘voluntary contribution’. This means that your child will not be excluded from an educational visit if you cannot afford to pay – we would aim to cover this cost. However, it may be that we would be forced to cancel a trip if we became unable to cover the cost ourselves. If parents are unable to pay the entire amount upfront, they may be able to pay in instalments, or be able to pay some of the total. The voluntary contribution covers the cost of coach travel, entrance fees and any workshop/activities attended.
How are costs calculated?
We divide the total amount payable by the number of children who are invited to attend the trip. This is rounded down to the nearest whole amount. We never ask for more money from parents who can pay to cover the costs for those parents who can’t pay. We do not cost for local trips without transport and entrance costs. We also don’t cost for guests who visit the school.
How much could this cost a parent each year?
Each year group is offered a range of trips each year, varying in cost. To support parents in budgeting for this, the table below shows the trips available for each year group and the approximate cost for each. With the exception of year 6, where there is an optional residential trip, no year group is asked to pay more than £30 in total across the year. This does not have to be paid in one amount.
Does my child have to attend a school trip?
We always ask permission before taking your child out of school on a trip, as it is important that you know where your child is being educated. However, educational trips are not intended to be optional as they are part of our school curriculum. If you do not want your child to attend a trip, please talk to us so that we can understand your reasons and make alternative educational provision for them in school. Keeping your child at home on a school trip day is likely to result in an unauthorised absence if your child is not unwell.
WHCPS trips and visits
The table below shows the planned trips for 2023 – 2024, which is subject to minor changes if we are unbale to secure bookings / organise funding.
| Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 | Spring 1 | Spring 2 | Summer 1 | Summer 2 | Total Approx. cost for year |
Year N |
| Playbus £3 | £3 |
Year R |
| Easton Farm Park
£15 |
| £15 |
Year 1 | Geography Local area walk
No cost | History Ipswich Transport Museum £9 |
| PSHE police visitor No cost | Science and Geography Colchester Zoo £13 | History Felixstowe Beach
£6 | £28 |
Year 2 | Geography and science Ipswich town centre
£5 | History Framlingham Castle £8 |
| Science and Geography Farm
£7 | History Duxford
£10 | £30 |
RE St Thomas’s Church No cost | |||||||
Year 3 | RE Ipswich Mosque
£4 | History Prehistoric Workshop
No cost |
| History Colchester Castle
£11 | Geography and MFL Visit to Paris workshop No cost | Geography River Deben
£15 | £30 |
Year 4 | Geography Local area walk
No cost | History West Stow £15 | RE Colchester Synagogue
£5 |
| History Victorian School
£10 | £30 |
RE St Thomas’s Church No cost | |||||||
Year 5 | RE Ipswich Sikh Gurdwara
£2 |
| History Maya Workshop
No cost | Geography Local Co-Op
No cost | Geography and PSHE Climate Change Workshop No cost | History Kentwell Hall
£25 | £27 |
Year 6 | Geography Earthquake and volcano Workshop
No cost | History Bletchley Park Museum
£15 |
| Geography Walton-On-The-Naze
£12 | RE Ipswich Hindu Samaj
£3 | PSHE Crucial Crew No cost | £30
(not incl. residential) |
Essex Outdoors (residential) Optional £130 |
Miss A Siddall