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Curriculum Documents


Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Year 1

Animals Including Humans (human)Everyday MaterialsSeasonal ChangesEveryday Materials (Working Scientifically focus)Animals Including Humans (Animals)Plants 

Year 2

Living Things and their Habitats (part 1)Everyday MaterialsEveryday Materials (Working Scientifically focus)Living Things and their Habitats (part 2)PlantsAnimals Including Humans

Year 3

Forces and Magnets Rocks Light and ShadowsPlants Animals Including HumansStates of Matter (The Water Cycle)

Year 4

Animals Including Humans (Digestion and Teeth)States of MatterSoundAnimals Including Humans (Food chains)Living Things and their HabitatsElectricity

Year 5

Living Things and their Habitats (Plants)Forces Earth and Space Properties and Changes of MaterialsAnimals Including Humans (Puberty)Working Scientifically

Year 6

Light ElectricityAnimals Including Humans (Circulatory system)Evolution and Inheritance Living Things and their HabitatsAnimals Including Humans (Reproduction)

National Curriculum for Science - Key Stage 1 and 2

Comments from OFSTED regarding Science - 6th June 2019


There is a determination by leaders for pupils to experience activities that they might not otherwise have an opportunity to try. Pupils visit the beach, have careers days and learn about what it is like to be healthy and how to be mindful of their emotional health and well-being. Since the previous inspection, the school has introduced a plethora of activities for the pupils to participate in. The additional activities support and enhance the lives of pupils.


The school curriculum is broad and balanced. Pupils have access to a wide range of different experiences as part of the school curriculum. Whole-school themed days bring the curriculum alive for pupils. They are appreciative of the opportunities they are offered. Work is showcased in vibrant displays around the school.​​​​​​​


Each year group studies a topic that is focused on answering a question each half term. For example, in Year 6 pupils learn about how life changed for children during World War 1, and in Year 2 pupils learn about how animal habitats differ around the world. The enquiry curriculum is closely aligned to the school’s writing curriculum. This helps the pupils to make links in their learning between different subjects.


The indoor learning environment promotes positive learning experiences. It is well resourced. Adults provide a range of practical activities that cover all the required areas of learning. The large outdoor learning environment has a range of activities for the children to further develop their knowledge and understanding of the world.​​​​​​​
