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04-10-2024 Year 2 Parent/Carer Phonics Session

4th October 2024

Year 2: Phonics workshop


Dear parents/carers,


We are excited to invite parents/carers of our year 2 children to come into school for a lesson linked to our phonics learning. Parents/carers will be able to observe a 30-minute session showing how our lessons continue to support the children to become fluent readers and accurate spellers.


Tuesday 22nd October 2024

9:00 – 9:30


The session will take place in your child’s classroom. We would like parents/carers to enter school through the classroom at 9am, where you will be asked to sign in.


We look forward to having as many of you as possible join us and would ask you to return the reply slip below.


Thank you for your continued support.


Mrs Gooch, Mrs Curtis, Miss Baily, Mr Donowa and Miss Jaspal



Child’s Name: __________________________         Class: ______________________



I will / will not be attending the Year 2 phonics session on Tuesday 22nd October 2024. (delete as appropriate).



Signed: ______________________________           Date: _______________________

