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At Whitehouse Community Primary School, our vision is to


“enable everyone to thrive and achieve their full potential”


As such, we aim to provide all the members of our school community with an inclusive, welcoming and exciting learning and working environment within which they can be happy, thrive and prosper. We are fully committed to a holistic approach to learning which provides numerous opportunities to enhance the Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development of pupils whilst promoting the fundamental British Values of Democracy, Rule of Law, Individual Liberty, Respect and Tolerance.


Intent of our SMSC Provision

We recognise that the personal development of pupils spiritually, morally, socially and culturally plays a significant part in their ability to learn and achieve. We strive to create a learning environment which promotes respect, diversity and self-awareness and equips all of our pupils with the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values they will need to succeed in their future lives. We aim to provide a balanced and rich education that gives our children opportunities to explore and develop their own values and beliefs, spiritual awareness, high standards of personal behaviour, a positive caring attitude towards other people, an understanding of their social and cultural traditions and an appreciation of the diversity and richness of other cultures.


Implementation of our SMSC Provision

SMSC has been a whole school priority since February 2017 with the appointment of an SMSC Governor as well as a Parental Engagement Governor. All members of the school community are involved in the delivery of SMSC and British Values and receive regular staff training and updates. At Whitehouse Community Primary School, we aim to furnish pupils with a range of exciting learning opportunities which will enable them to develop the attitudes and skills necessary for them to grow into responsible, happy and productive individuals and citizens. This is achieved through an integrated approach to SMSC as illustrated below.


Our School Vision Statement places the whole child at the centre of the learning and all of our school policies are implemented with this in mind, showing consideration of our pupil’s physical and emotional safety. We are a Thrive school and, as such, we closely monitor the social and emotional wellbeing of our children, putting support in place where necessary. Our Golden Rules and Whitehouse Way provide a strong moral compass to children in terms of how they should behave in and out of lessons.


At Whitehouse we have created our own tailored rich and broad curriculum  which is constantly reviewed to closely match the experiences, needs, interests and life goals of the children and families we serve. All staff are encouraged to consider SMSC learning opportunities in all lessons and activities and staff are encouraged to identify and reference SMSC learning target areas on their lesson plans. Our schedule of carefully planned assemblies enable pupils to reflect upon a range of world-wide and local topical SMSC issues and we offer an array of morning, lunch and after-school clubs which reflect our pupils’ needs, interests and life goals. Many pupils are encouraged to represent their school in a range of local sporting fixtures and tournaments which boosts their confidence and broadens their experiences. Our pupils also enjoy regular days out, residential trips and visits from outside guests. These opportunities reinforce the learning that takes place in the classroom and maximises opportunities for pupils to find something they excel at; thus acting as a powerful incentive for pupils to work hard to reach their own life goals.


The school has, upon time, built a strong working relationship with the local community (parents, church, local businesses, local schools, organisations and charities) which it regularly calls upon to enhance pupils' learning. We are committed to enhancing environmental awareness through the creation of an Eco-Committee and we regularly support a range of charities chosen by the children. At Whitehouse, we are very keen to promote Democracy. Staff, parents and pupils are regularly encouraged to provide their views which are routinely taken into account as part of the school’s decision-making process.  In addition to this, we often hold whole school events such as our "Breaking the Mould Day", "Aim High Career Day”, “Healthy Body and Mind Day” or "Multi-Faith Day" which bring the whole school community together and provide a memorable and meaningful context within which pupils can live their school’s values. Pupils are also given the chance to gain valuable life skills by taking part in a whole range of volunteering Schemes in and outside of lessons (School Parliament, Prefects, TOAST Squad, Sports' Leaders, House Captains, Eco-Committee and RRSA Committee).


At Whitehouse, we use a range of nationally-recognised accreditations to improve and sustain our SMSC standards over time (Families First Accreditation (2017), EAL Academy Award (2019), SMSC Quality Mark (pending verification) and Rights Respecting School Award (Bronze awarded in 2021 and currently working towards Silver).


Impact of our SMSC Provision

Through a well thought out and carefully planned SMSC provision, the school aims to provide a learning environment within which:


  • Pupils are happy, confident, resilient and independent;

  • Positive and respectful relationships exist among pupils and with staff. As a result, children are safe and feel safe;

  • Pupils are eager to come to school, have a high attendance rate and are punctual to lessons;

  • Pupils, including those who have particular needs, behave and conduct themselves positively without disrupting the normal day-to-day life of the school;

  • Students are engaged in and committed to their learning, have developed effective study skills, are resilient to setbacks and take pride in their achievements;

  • Pupils know how to keep themselves physically and mentally healthy. They have an age-appropriate understanding of healthy relationships;

  • All pupils, including the most disadvantaged, are keen to take up opportunities which enable them to develop and stretch their talents and interests (clubs, volunteering opportunities); thus acquiring valuable life skills which will enable them to play an active role in Britain’s modern society;

  • Children have developed good social skills and are able to resolve conflicts independently;

  • Students are aware of the importance of democracy. They have grown a social conscience and use their voice effectively to challenge injustice and change things for the better in their school environment and beyond.
