British Values
at Whitehouse Primary School

At Whitehouse Community Primary School, we are fully committed to a holistic approach to learning.
We endeavour to provide all the children in our care with a range of exciting and memorable learning opportunities which engage pupils as well as enable them to develop all the qualities and skills they need to grow into responsible, active, committed and fulfilled individuals and citizens.
This is achieved through a whole school commitment to develop all aspects of Learning which not only include the development of our pupils' Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development as described in the OFSTED Handbook but also a whole school drive to uphold the British Values of Democracy, the Rule of Law, Individual Liberty, Respect and Tolerance in everything we do and a strong focus in ensuring all our pupils can access their rights.
Meet Whitehouse BV Squad

During the Summer Term 2018-2019, children were introduced to the Whitehouse BV Squad in anticipation of the school very first British Values Week which took place from 24th to 28th June 2019.
Democracy at WHCPS

Children have the right to say what they think should happen,
when adults are making decisions that affect them and have their opinions taken into account.
Values which are promoted:
Responsibility, Wisdom, Justice, Service, Compassion, Humility
- We are a Rights Respecting School.
- Concept of fairness, turn taking and sharing.
- At the start of each topic, children are given the opportunity to make suggestions about what they wish to learn in that topic, according to their interests.
- hoice of activities in Lower School and choice of challenges in Upper School
- Pupils encouraged to share views / opinions in lessons - discussions / debates on various topics, surveys, interviews.
- Extremist views challenged – pupils encouraged to see both sides of the argument – debates in PSHE.
- We have an elected School Parliament. This is used as an opportunity to promote and teach about democracy and the electoral process. There are Class Council sessions where children can raise concerns for the School Parliament to consider.
- House System and whole-school election of House Captains.
- Have Suggestion Boxes which means that any member of the school community can raise a concern.
- Have the opportunity to volunteer. This includes things like Classroom Monitors and lunch time helpers, Prefects, Sports Captains, TOAST Team etc.
- Promote democracy through PSHE and Assemblies.
- Pupils, staff and parents regularly take part in Surveys whose findings are used to improve the school.
- Visit from elected members of the local community (Mayor, MP etc).
Curriculum Enquiry Topics which link to Democracy:
- Kings and Queens
- Ancient Rome
- Ancient Greece
- Invaders (Anglo-Saxons and Vikings)
The Rule of Law at WHCPS

Governments should ensure that children are properly cared for and protect them from violence, abuse and neglect from their parents, or anyone else who looks after them.
Values which are promoted:
Forgiveness, Compassion, Service, Peace, Justice
Trust, Respect, Responsibility
- We are a Rights Respecting School
- We have a range of policies aimed at keeping our pupils safe. Those can be found on our website.
- Class teachers negotiate class rules with pupils at the start of each year.
- We have high expectations of pupil conduct and this is reflected in our Positive Behaviour Policy which encourage pupils to make the right choices and reflect on the consequences that their behaviour choices have on themselves and others.
- The Positive Behaviour Policy, which consists of the Golden Rules and Whitehouse Way has been designed in conjunction with pupils, parents, Governors and staff is regularly reviewed taking into account those stakeholders' feedback.
- There are rewards for exhibiting good and caring behaviour and hard work.
- Consistent demonstration of our values is recognised through individual celebrations (Gold and Silver Awards) and through the presentation of certificates at our Friday Assemblies.
- Good attendance in school is celebrated and rewarded.
- There are clear consequences for breaking school rules through Reflection time
- Through our assemblies, circle time and PSHE children are taught how to earn trust and respect and are supported to develop a strong sense of morality, knowing right from wrong and doing the right thing even when it’s difficult.
- Pupils have clear rules for PE and in the playground.
- Children are regularly reminded of safety when using resources in Science or DT or when visiting local places of interest or when taking part in residential trips.
- Year 5 are taking part in the Bikeabilty Scheme to learn how to be safe on the road.
- Year 6 attend Crucial Crew workshops.
- We regularly hold Online Safety Assemblies and Workshops for pupils, staff and parents.
- Relevant safety rules are regularly reminded in our weekly Newsletter.
- We have visits from local emergency services who explain how rules keep us safe.
Curriculum Enquiry Topics which link to The Rule of Law:
- Kings and Queens and their castles
- Children in Victorian times
- R.E
- Ancient Greece
- World War2
Individual Liberty at WHCPS

Children have the right to meet together and to join groups and organisations, as long as this does not stop other people enjoying their rights

All children have a right to relax and play and join in with a wide range of activities
Values which are promoted:
Creativity, Trust, Respect, Reverance, Courage
- We have a range of policies - including our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy, our Behaviour Policy and our Anti-Bullying Policy - which sets out how we keep our children safe.
- We encourage reflection and responsibility through our Golden Rules and the Whitehouse Way.
- Through our PSHE program of study as well as the Thrive Approach, children are taught about personal responsibility, choices, ambition and aspiration.
- We teach children to keep themselves safe, including online, through computing lessons, assemblies and outside agencies such as the NSPCC as well as through the PSHE curriculum.
- Pupils are encouraged to share concerns with a trusted adult or through worry boxes.
- Children are entitled to have and share their opinions.
- Pupils have numerous opportunities via the School Parliament as well as through regular surveys, discussions and focus groups to have a say in decisions made in school, including what they would like to learn about in school.
- This information is collated and analysed to ensure that the school offers a broad and balanced Curriculum - through the Enquiry Curriculum, Assemblies, school outings and residential trips - which is closely matched to the experiences, interests, needs and life goals of our pupils.
- Pupils are encouraged to take opportunities to follow their interests in art, music, sport etc in and outside of school
- We value individual differences and individual achievements.
- Pupils are provided with the opportunity to volunteer and develop life skills through applying for a range of positions (Prefects, School MP, Sports Prefects, House Captains etc).
Curriculum Enquiry Topics which link to Individual Liberty:
- WW2
- Invaders and Settlers
- Our local area
Respect at WHCPS

The convention applies to everyone whatever their race, religion, abilities, whatever they think or say or whatever type of family they come from.

Children have the right to learn and use the language and customs of their families, whether these are shared by the majority of people in the country or not.
Values which are promoted:
Wisdom, Perseverance, Truthfulness, Peace, Compassion
Respect, Forgiveness, Friendship
- Through a range of policies (Anti-bullying, Accessibility, Disability Equality etc)
- Have high expectations of pupil behaviour and this is reflected in our Positive Behaviour Policy (Golden Rules and Whitehouse Way)
- Have clear class and school rules which encourage children to treat each other with respect
- Promote good listening skills in lessons
- Teach children about equality and fairness
- Encourage children to respect each other, be cooperative and collaborative, be supportive and to look at similarities while being understanding of differences.
- Teach our school values through assemblies, PSHE and circle time.
- Use the Thrive framework to explore sense of self and strategies to nurture good relationship with others
- Embrace diversity through visits and visitors from different cultures
- Organise charity events and take our Choir to sing at the Residential Care Home.
- Look at other religions and cultures as part of our R.E teaching.
- Have a clear policy for the teaching of Sex and Relationships education
- Teach about respecting the environment for everyone through Assemblies, visits and workshops
- Hold special days and offer clubs which encourage pupils to make positive decisions to improve their health and mental well-being (Healthy Body and Mind Day, OneLife Healthy Active Lifestyle clubs)
- EYFS Recycling project
- Remembrance Assembly
Curriculum Enquiry Topics which link to Respect:

Children have the right to think and believe what they want and to practise their religion, as long as they are not stopping other people from enjoying their rights. Parents should guide their children on these matters.
Values which are promoted:
Friendship, Respect and Reverence, Wisdom, Generosity, Compassion, Hope, Thankfulness
- have high expectations of the children’s behaviour as set out in our Behaviour Policy
- Are a Rights Respecting School
- range of policies (Anti-bullying Policy, Disability Equality Scheme etc)
- Are a ‘talking school’, where children are encouraged to tell well than they have concerns regarding the behaviours of others
- Promote the tolerance of different faiths and beliefs through the RE Syllabus. Children learn about different religions, their beliefs, places of worship and festivals
- Teach about significant festivals through the year such as Ramadan or Diwali through assemblies
- Have visits from local religious leaders and children have the opportunity to visit places of worship
- Look for the similarities between faiths whilst also teaching about the differences
- Have visitors from different cultures to teach different aspects of another culture i.e. Assembly on Ramadan, Multi-Faith Day, Kurdish Day
- opportunity for children to take part in events/competitions outside school where they have the opportunity to meet a range of different people (different socio-economic backgrounds, different cultures/religions, people with disabilities etc)
- hold regular EAL Coffee Morning
- parent volunteers from a range of cultural backgrounds
- Have Community Ambassadors from different cultural backgrounds which are visible at Parents' Evenings
- Have staff training in the PREVENT duty to protect children from radicalisation
Curriculum Enquiry Topics which link to Tolerance:
Y2 Topic on food from around the World
Y3 Topic on "Who are our European Neighbours?"
Y5 Topic on ancient and modern Greece
Y5 Topic on Fair Trade
RE Curriculum
PSHE Curriculum
Olympics and Paralympics
British Values Week