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15-11-2024 Year 4 Parent/Carer Art Session

Friday 15th November 2024


Year 4:  Parent/Carer Session


Dear Parent/Carer,


We are delighted to invite Year 4 parents/carers into school for an art afternoon on


Tuesday 3rd December 2024



The children have been busy designing their Anglo-Saxon warrior masks, linked to our history topic ‘Who were the Anglo-Saxons?’ and during that afternoon, will be making them. This session will include learning how to use a range of techniques to make their own mask out of clay.


Please come to the Waterford Road entrance at 2:00pm where we will sign you in and take you to your child’s class.  We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible.


Please note that for safeguarding reasons you will not be allowed to use your mobile phone whilst you are on the school site.



Kind regards


Miss Adams, Mrs Anderson, Mrs Cousins and Miss Ward

Year 4 Teachers



Child’s name:  ______________________________      Class:   _______________



I am able/not able to attend the Year 4 art session on Tuesday 3rd December 2024.



Signed by Parent/Carer _______________________   Date: _______________
