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Special Educational Needs


Throughout our school we pride ourselves on being an inclusive provision. We offer a broad and balanced curriculum for all children and recognise that adjustments to practice and specific support may be necessary to meet individual needs. We aim to create a learning environment which meets the needs of each child and our school team works to ensure that special educational needs are identified, assessed and appropriately met, enabling all children to have full access to all elements of our school curriculum.


We believe in working collaboratively to ensure every learner achieves their full potential and ensure that individual success is celebrated.  The staff, governors, children and their families are committed to work together to create an inclusive environment where children can learn as individuals and develop their confidence and independence skills.  We celebrate the differences between children and ensure that learning experiences and opportunities meet the needs of all.


If you have any concerns about your child’s learning please make an appointment to see your child’s class teacher or make an appointment with Mrs Samantha Porter, our SENDCo.

