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27-09-2024 BBC 500 Words Competition

Friday 27th September 2024


BBC 500 words writing competition


Dear Parents/Carers,


I am writing to inform you about an exciting national writing competition that we will be running across the whole school. Every year, the BBC ask children around the country to be inspired to write a short story in no more than 500 words and we would like as many children as possible at Whitehouse to take part.


The story can be about absolutely anything so we encourage the children to use their imaginations. Children should submit their story via their teacher on a piece of paper and the teacher will type it up to be submitted to the competition. There are two competitions based on age: 5-7 year olds and 8-11 year olds.


There are lots of prizes to be won for taking part in this competition. Each child that submits a story will receive a certificate. Within each age range, there will also be a gold, silver and bronze winner who will receive a special prize as well as a range of books for their school. Each winning story will also receive an original illustration by a top children’s author in the UK. The grand final will take place at Buckingham Palace in February 2025 and finalists alongside a parent/carer will be invited.


As winning stories will be published as well as potential finalists being invited to the final, we ask that a parent/carer signs the below consent form for any child that wishes to take part. All submissions must be with their class teacher by Friday 8th November 2024.


I hope that all the children are excited to take part in this competition and look forward to seeing all their wonderful stories. For further information, please visit


Thank you for your continued support.





Kind Regards


Mr Trimmer

Year 6 Teacher



Child’s name: ______________________________ Class: _________________________



I consent to my child submitting their story to the BBC 500 words writing competition.



Signed by Parent/Carer: _______________________ Date: _________________

