Whitehouse Weekly Bulletin 110
Friday 4th October 2019
Message from Mrs Hall
We have three, super residential trips planned for this academic year during June. Year 6 have the opportunity to go to London, Year 5 to Mersea (Essex) and Year 4 to Eaton Vale (Norwich). If you would like your child to attend one of these trips, please ensure all the paperwork is returned to the school by Friday 18th October. We would really like as many children to go as possible. So, if finance is a barrier do let us know as we are able to apply for funding from the Northgate Foundation. Thank you for your continued support.
Attendance for the Previous Week
Class with the Best Attendance – Frogs (99.50%)
Classes with the Best Punctuality – Seahorses, Starfish, Giraffes, Lions, Squirrels and Jaguars
Class that needs to improve their Attendance – Pandas (91.40%)
Classes that need to improve their Punctuality – Elephants, Tigers and Toucans
Well done to the Chameleons class who had the best attendance for the month of September, with 98.6%. The class will have a non-uniform day on Friday 11th October.
The theme of our assemblies for next week will be: What is Yom Kippur and how do Jewish people celebrate it? Resources related to this assembly will soon be available on our website. To access them, simply go to Learning and click on our Enquiry Based Assemblies.
Key Stage 1:
Class |
Wonderful Week |
Wonderful Week |
Handwriting Award |
Elephants |
Vina |
Rico |
Noah |
Giraffes |
Abigail |
Rex |
Amelia |
Lions |
Isaac |
Ivy |
Cobras |
Jazmine |
Erioluwa |
Olivia |
Dragons |
Ozzie |
Mason |
Miruna |
Frogs |
Shamil |
Summer |
Eliza-Mae |
Lower Key Stage 2:
Class |
Wonderful Week |
Wonderful Week |
Handwriting Award |
Foxes |
Jess |
Laniyha |
Evie |
Hedgehogs |
Maxi |
Jasmin |
Isla |
Robins |
Kyle |
Imogen |
Chiara |
Squirrels |
Anna-Maria |
Lacey |
Ava-Leigh |
Badgers |
Danar |
Lacey |
Lily |
Owls |
Emily |
Nathon |
Jack |
Rabbits |
Daisy |
Tyler |
Upper Key Stage 2:
Class |
Wonderful Week |
Wonderful Week |
Handwriting Award |
Jaguars |
Jana |
Amicha-Anne |
Archie |
Lemurs |
Nina |
Mario |
Samuel |
Red Pandas |
Talia |
Connor |
Hermione |
Chameleons |
William |
Brooke |
Majus |
Tigers |
Macauly |
Lily |
Julia |
Toucans |
Isobel |
Deivid |
Sonjela |
Flu Immunisations
The School Nursing Team will be coming into school on Friday 15th November as part of the Annual Childhood Flu Immunisation Programme. The vaccine is given through a nasal spray and is being offered to all children from Reception through to Year 6. Parents/Carers need to confirm whether they do/do not wish their child to be given the immunisation. The link to show your consent/non-consent can be found on the following page on our website: https://www.whcps.org/11-09-2019-information-for-parents-on-flu-immunisa/. We would also ask parents/carers to carefully read the information on the website, particularly if their child is asthmatic or cannot eat gelatine. If you have any questions please contact the Schools Immunisation Programme on 0300 555 5055 or
Aldi’s Kit for School
We are collecting the Aldi’s Kit for School stickers and are aiming to collect at least 300. Stickers are given when you spend at least £30 from one of the Aldi supermarkets. Thank you to everyone who has already brought stickers in to school, your support is very much appreciated.
Can we please remind parents/carers that they should not park on the zig-zag lines outside the entrances to the school. This is extremely important in ensuring all are able to enter and leave the school site safely. Thank you for your co-operation.
Macmillan Cancer Support
A big thank you to everyone who helped us raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support last week especially to those who donated and bought the cakes at our Coffee afternoon. We are thrilled to let you know we raised a fabulous £755.47.
Year 6 Residential – Kip on the Ship
We are pleased to be able to confirm the dates for the Year 6 Residential trip, Kip on the Ship. This will take place on Wednesday 10th June 2020 to Friday 12th June 2020.
Year 3 – Accelerated Reader
Thank you to all those Year 3 parents/carers who attended the presentation on Accelerated Reader this week. For those parents who were unable to come to the meetings, there are leaflets available in the School Office for you to collect so you will have a copy of the information shared at the presentation. Any parent/carer who did not attend the meeting, who collects a leaflet from the office, will be entitled to a non-uniform day voucher for their Year 3 child. Thank you for your support.
New Football Kit
We are very excited by the arrival of our new Whitehouse team jacket and football kit. The Whitehouse team jackets will be worn by pupils representing the school during our Level 2 (inter-school) competitions and events. The football kit will also be worn by both the boys and girls football teams when they are representing the school. We are sure you will agree that the children will look very smart and professional in their new kit! A big thank you to The Black Tiles Restaurant and Bar, Martlesham for sponsoring our football kit.
Year 5/6 Boys Football – Cup Match
The Year 5 and 6 Boys Football Team made an impressive start to their IPSSA Knockout Cup campaign, with a 6-2 win against Hillside Primary School. This was the first time the boys have played as a team this year and they looked very smart in their brand new Whitehouse football kit and team jackets. The boys showed excellent teamwork and dominated large periods of the match. Two goals from Preston, who captained the match and another from Jemira saw the boys enter half time with a comfortable lead, 3-1. This was followed by three more goals in the second half, scored by Connor, Kian and Preston. Mr Jordan was very impressed with the team effort throughout the game. Special mentions go to Connor and Mohamed as they represented the school for the first time, and to Preston for scoring a hat-trick. The next game will be against St Matthews Primary School.
Football Success
A big well done to Preston who has had confirmation that he is now part of the Norwich Football Elite. Preston has worked extremely hard to secure his place within the team and the reports from the coaches are all very positive. Preston’s first school holiday match will be against Luton Elite. We wish Preston the very best of luck.
Cross Country News
Following on from her impressive 3rd place finish at last years IPSSA Cross Country event, we are extremely pleased that Isabel has been chosen to represent Ipswich and Suffolk School Games Cross Country team in the Area Championships. These will be held at the Royal Hospital School on Thursday 10th October. We would like to congratulate Isabel for her selection, and wish her the very best of luck for the upcoming event.
PE Kit Reminder
Despite a number of reminders, unfortunately there are still children across the school who do not have the correct PE kit. A polite reminder that PE lessons are a compulsory part of the National Curriculum, therefore your child will require both their Indoor and Outdoor PE kit every week. Additionally, as we enter the colder and wetter weather, please could you ensure that your child has the appropriate clothing to take part during their outdoor PE lessons. We will always look to go outside for PE, weather dependant during their outdoor lessons. A reminder that our Whitehouse PE kit consists of the following items;
Early Minds – Parent/Carer Session – Years 3, 4 and 5
The school is currently working with EARLY Minds (Emotional Awareness and Resilience Learnt Young) to deliver workshops with all children in Years 3 to 5 to help them recognise their emotional needs and identify healthy ways to develop their resilience. We will be holding a parents/carers session on Thursday 31st October at 2.00pm to provide more information about the work that is happening in school and how you can support your child at home. The session will be open to all parents/carers with a child in Year 3, 4 or 5 and will last for approximately one hour. EARLY Minds will be delivering this workshop. A letter will be sent home nearer the time, and there will be reminders on the newsletter and via text. In the meantime, if you would like more information please contact the Pastoral Team on the main school number and select option 4.
Library News
We are pleased to have some new Library Assistants for the new academic year. They are Filip, Oliver, Amicha-Anne, Jana, Chloe, Megan, Bavya and Hermione. We had a lot of applicants for the job so these children did very well, wrote very good applications and passed an interview! They will be given lots of jobs, the main one is to keep the libraries well organised and to encourage all members of the school to look after their books.
Black History Month
October is Black History Month in the UK and it has been celebrated nationwide for nearly 40 years. In line with this, Miss Bias (Lemurs Teacher) and Mrs Gooch (Cobras Teacher) presented assemblies this week to explain the importance and why we celebrate it. The children were captivated throughout and Miss Bias was able to share some personal anecdotes as her Grandfather knew Dr Martin Luther King Jr and her Uncle sang at his funeral. The Powerpoint assemblies can be found on the school website if you would like to view them.
Year 2 – Parents Drop-in Session
Our Year 2 children have been working very hard on the topic of Castles this term and we would like to invite parents/carers/grandparents to come into school at the end of the day (after school) on Friday 18th October. This will be a celebration event. We look forward to seeing as many parents as possible. If you can’t attend at this time, please speak to the class teacher and they will help organise a different time for you to view the children’s great work.
Advance Warning - ITV Anglia
We are expecting ITV Anglia to be filming in school at some point in the next two weeks. When we have the exact timings and classes that will be recorded we will let everyone know. This is a great opportunity for the school.
Dates for the Diary
Friday 11th October – Non Uniform day for Chameleons Class (Best attendance in September)
Tuesday 15th October – School Disco
Friday 18th October – Drop-in Session – Year 2 – 2.30 pm
Monday 21st October to Friday 25th October – Half Term Holiday
Thursday 31st October – EARLY Minds Parent/Carer Session – Years 3, 4 and 5 – 2.00 pm
Thursday 14th November – Parents/Carers Evening – 3.30 – 5.30 pm
Friday 15th November – Flu Immunisation – Year R to Year 6
Wednesday 20th November – Parents/Carers Evening – 3.30 – 6.30 pm
Thursday 28th November – Whole School Team Building Day
Saturday 7th December – Christmas Fair
Tuesday 10th December – Year 1 Christmas Play (9.45 am and 2.15 pm)
Thursday 12th December – Year 2 Christmas Play (9.45 am and 2.15 pm)
Tuesday 17th December – EYFS and KS1 – Christmas Dinner
Wednesday 18th December – KS2 – Christmas Dinner
Friday 20th December to Friday 3rd January – Christmas Holiday
Monday 6th January – PD Day – School Closed to children
Monday 17th February to Friday 21st February – Half Term Holiday
Friday 3rd April to Friday 17th April – Easter Holidays
Friday 8th May – May Bank Holiday
Friday 22nd May – PD Day – School Closed to children
Monday 25th May to Friday 29th May – Half Term Holiday
Wednesday 22nd July – PD Day – School Closed to Children
Thursday 23rd July – First Day of Summer Holiday