30th September 2024
Year 1: Local Walk
Dear Parent/Carer,
In Year 1 this half term the children are looking at the question ‘Where do we live?’
To support their learning, we are planning a local walk for the children in order for them to carry out geography fieldwork around the school grounds and surrounding area. The children will be using their senses to observe and understand their local area. This will include Bramford Lane and Ulster Avenue. The walk will take place on Thursday 3rd or Friday 4th of October and will last for approximately 45 minutes.
Lions & Elephants - Thursday 3rd October
Giraffes- Friday 4th October
Could we please ask that you send your child to school in suitable footwear, such as comfortable flat shoes or trainers and if it is raining, please provide a jacket/coat. Please also ensure they have their water bottle with them in school.
We know this will be a good experience for the children and an important opportunity for them to carry out their geography fieldwork. We do not need a signed permission slip for this trip as it is covered by our local visit permission. If you have any further questions about the trip, please speak to your child’s teacher.
With regards
Mrs Bartholomew, Mrs Cox, Miss Bias and Mrs Wilcox
Year 1 Teachers