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16-10-2024 Year 1 Ipswich Transport Museum

16th October 2024

Ipswich Transport Museum Visit – Year 1


Dear Parents/Carers,


We are writing to inform you about an exciting trip we are organising to the Ipswich Transport Museum, in connection with our History transport topic, ‘Are we there yet?’. We have booked to visit Ipswich Transport Museum on Monday 18th November. During the visit, the children will see and explore different types of transport from the past.


The visit will take place within school time and usual school uniform should be worn. As the transport museum is large, your child will also need a coat and comfortable shoes.  Each class will visit the museum separately.  The timings for this are as follows:





9:00 – 11:30


10:30 – 1:00


12:00 – 2:30


Due to the timings of the visits, children in Giraffes and Elephants will not be able to order a hot dinner on the day of the trip.  All children in Year 1 are entitled to a meal provided under the Universal Free School Meal funding. If you would like your child to be provided with a free school packed lunch please indicate on the attached form. Otherwise, please provide your child with a packed lunch and a drink (no glass bottles, sweets or fizzy drinks please).


The cost per child is a voluntary contribution of £9.00 which covers the cost of coach travel and educational activities. Payments can be made either via the school office or on Arbor.


At Whitehouse, we value the importance of trips as they help the children to engage with their learning and provide opportunities for the children to deepen their understanding through first hand experiences. Please remember that educational trips are not intended to be optional as they are part of our school curriculum. The Transport Museum visit will be a wonderful and exciting opportunity for the children to experience ‘hands-on’ history.


Thank you for your continued support.


Kind Regards,


Mrs. Cox, Mrs. Bartholomew, Miss. Bias, Mrs. Wilcox, Mrs. Millson

Year 1 Teachers
