Whitehouse Weekly Bulletin 180
Friday 28th January 2022
Message from Mrs Hall
I am very privileged to have so many opportunities to observe super teaching and learning at Whitehouse. This week I have observed many wonderful lessons and it has been great to see the children so engaged in their learning. I was also invited to join the peer mediators at their committee meeting to hear about their plans to develop playground support (article 12: respect for children’s views). I hope you enjoy reading this week’s newsletter, so that you are able to share in the successes of our wonderful school. Well done everyone, and keep demonstrating ‘The Whitehouse Way’!
Attendance for the previous week
Class with the Best Attendance – Ocelots (96.5%)
The theme of our assemblies for next week will be: What does Holocaust Memorial Day celebrate? UNRC Link: Article 30: If I come from a minority group, because of my race, religion or language, I have the right to enjoy my own culture, practise my own religion and use my own language. Resources related to this assembly will soon be available on our website. To access them, simply go to Learning and click on our Enquiry Based Assemblies.
Year 3 Science
Year 3 have been learning how magnets work in their Science lessons this week. The children experimented using iron filings to discover an area of magnetic force around the magnet called the magnetic field. They also learned that when certain materials enter the magnetic field, they are pulled towards the magnet. They enjoyed their learning very much.
Year 4 Geography
As part of their landscape topic, in Geography, the children in Squirrels class have been learning about contours and how steep a mountain or hill is. They even had a go at creating their own mountains with contour lines, using potatoes! This involved the children carefully measuring their contour lines so were not only learning geography but working on their maths skills at the same time! Well done Squirrels.
Class | Wonderful Week | Wonderful Week |
Puffins | Harry | Emily |
Seahorses | Daisy | Jaxson |
Starfish | Maria | Lola-Rose |
Key Stage 1:
Class | Wonderful Week | Wonderful Week | Handwriting Award |
Elephants | Chanelle | Beatrix | Thomas |
Lions | Andrei | Graceford | Hunter |
Cobras | James | Faye | Alivia |
Dragons | Elsie | Ella | Ema |
Frogs | Mark Aston | Helin | David |
Lower Key Stage 2:
Class | Wonderful Week | Wonderful Week | Handwriting Award |
Badgers | Mohammed | Aleena | Scarlett |
Foxes | Amelia | Pelin | Ivy |
Owls | Tilly | Leo | Joni |
Rabbits | Jamie | Roxanne | Ruari |
Hedgehogs | Harley | Kaci | Liyoh |
Squirrels | Zara | Archer | Dougie |
Upper Key Stage 2:
Class | Wonderful Week | Wonderful Week | Handwriting Award |
Jaguars | Ruby | George | Millie |
Lemurs | Nate | Alexandra | Susan |
Lizards | Nataliyah | Imogen | Martins |
Red Pandas | Romey | Jasmin | Ionut |
Chameleons | Layad | Maisie | Martin |
Ocelots | Giovanna | Jack Aston | Tyler |
Tigers | Alissa | Derin | Bahez |
Toucans | Lewis | Maja | Connor |
Parental Survey: Rights Respecting School Award
As you will be aware, Whitehouse is a Rights Respecting School and in line with Article 12 (Right to have an opinion and for it to be listened to), we would like to have your views on your experience of being a parent at Whitehouse. Thank you in advance for taking the time to answer the following survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf6JkhyUys1X30ul1cJbFumxImk1KLLMf-EkGexbkNV5JFzdA/viewform?usp=sf_link.
If you want to learn more about our exciting Rights Respecting School journey please visit our website: https://www.whcps.org/our-rights-respecting-school-journey/
News from the RRSA Committee
We are the Rights Respecting Schools Committee and we try to promote the children's rights. The rights are 42 rules that are universal and unconditional and apply to every child no matter what.
We try to encourage these 42 rights because they are good for our school and our pupils. For example, article 23 helps and gives more support to children with disabilities and article 19 protects our pupils from violence by doing assemblies about bullying. We all strongly agree with these rights.
Thank you for reading this letter.
Jack - Y6 - on behalf of the RRSA Committee
Reading Recommendations
Please see below the latest recommendations for books to read to help the children to widen their book choices. There will be rewards for any children who read and quiz on these books. This week’s recommendations are:
Year 3: Badgers | The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein | Year 3: Foxes | Silly Billy by Anthony Brown |
Year 3: Owls | What’s for Dinner Mr Gum? By Andy Stanton | Year 3: Rabbits | Blue Broccoli and Nanobots by Bryony Matthew |
Year 4: Hedgehogs | The 13-Storey Treehouse by Andy Griffiths and Terry Denton | Year 4: Squirrels | King of the Mountains – Non-fiction book on Myon |
Year 5: Jaguars | A-Z The Best Children’s Poetry by Michael Rosen | Year 5: Lemurs | The Hobbit by J R R Tolkien |
Year 5: Lizards | Angry Aztecs by Terry Deary | Year 5: Red Pandas | Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer |
Year 6: Chameleons | Marcy and the Riddle of the Sphinx by Joe Todd Stanton | Year 6: Ocelots | Emmeline Pankhurst by Lisbeth Kaiser |
Year 6: Tigers | Casting the Gods Adrift by Geraldine McCaughrean | Year 6: Toucans | Horrible Histories: The Awesome Egyptians by Terry Deary |
Purple Man Reading Competition
Well done to Hedgehogs who won the competition for Lower Key Stage 2. In Upper Key Stage 2 we had a tie this week, well done to both Tigers and Chameleons. Great job.
Free School Meal Vouchers
We have had confirmation that all children who are eligible for Free School Meals (not including Universal Free School Meals) will again be eligible for a £15 supermarket voucher over the February half term holiday. Please ensure we have your correct email address so these can be sent to you at the start of the holiday.
Year 5/6 Sports Leaders Multi-Skills Leadership
This week our newly appointed Year 5 and 6 Sports Leaders have been working with Mr Jordan and staff from Ipswich and South Suffolk School Games and Active Suffolk to deliver multi-skills activities to classes across Years 1 to 4. The week began with the Sports Leaders completing a leadership training session, in which they learnt about the qualities required to make a good leader. The Year 5 and 6 pupils then put their leadership skills into practice as they took it in turns to deliver three days of multi-skills activities to out Year 1 to 4 classes.
This year we have invested in a multi-skills programme. This programme aims to provide our Year 1 to Year 4 pupils with opportunities to not only develop their sporting skills levels, but also to increase their levels of activity. The programme also provides links to the Governments recommended 60 minutes of physical activity for children per day. The multi-skills programme will provide activities, delivered by our Sports Leaders, in which the children will be able to take part in during their lunchtime. Additional information regarding ‘at home’ activity opportunities and rewards will be available soon.
Mr Jordan was immensely proud of the incredible leadership skills shown by all of our Sports Leaders. They really were a credit to both themselves and our school. Mr Jordan was equally impressed with the efforts shown by each of our Year 1 to Year 4 classes throughout each of the activities. A fun and high energy start to our multi-skills programme which Mr Jordan is very much looking forward to delivering alongside the Sports Leaders throughout the year. Well done everyone!
Dates for the Diary
Monday 21st February to Friday 25th February – Half Term Holiday
Monday 28th February – PD Day (School Closed to Children)
Wednesday 16th March – Parents Evening
Thursday 24th March – Parents Evening
Thursday 31st March – Rights Respecting School Silver Award Verification Day
Friday 8th April – PD Day (School Closed to Children)
Monday 11th April to Friday 22nd April – Easter Holiday