What is Thrive?
Thrive at Whitehouse Community Primary School is an approach to teaching and learning that recognises the importance of developing children’s social and emotional skills alongside their academic skills in order to become successful life-long learners. Through addressing gaps in social and emotional development we aim to enable children to have the skills in place in order to access learning and to thrive in their personal development and academic progress.
How does Thrive work at Whitehouse Community Primary School?
Through using the Thrive approach, staff recognise and support the social and emotional needs of the children. Whole class screening provides information for the class teacher to help him/her to plan sessions bespoke to the needs of the class. Where children need individualised support, parental/carer consent is obtained for an individual assessment. The assessment then leads to an action plan for the child with support in place through individual or small group sessions. Our Thrive trained staff are also very willing to meet with parents/carers to draw up an action plan for home if this is requested.
What progress has Whitehouse Community Primary School made in using the Thrive approach?
Since the launch of Thrive in 2017, Whitehouse Community Primary School has successfully completed the necessary requirements to be awarded ‘We’ve embraced Thrive in our setting’ status. In October 2018, after just a year of Thrive in our school, we are proud to say that we were invited by Thrive to be an Ambassador School for Thrive. We now host additional training, hold network meetings for other Thrive Practitioners and support other settings who are introducing Thrive in their settings.
Where can I find out more about Thrive?
If you would like further information on Thrive please visit the Thrive website at:
If you would like to find out more about Thrive in our school please ask at the office for an appointment with Mrs. Gotts or Mrs. Porter (Licensed Thrive Practitioners).