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House Captains


At Whitehouse Community Primary School, we are committed to developing the Spiritual, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural aspects of learning for all pupils.  We are keen to provide them with an array of learning opportunities which will enable them to develop the skills and attitudes needed for them to grow into responsible, well-adjusted, pro-active citizens as well as fulfilled and happy indicivuals. 


With this in mind, the school introduced a House System in September 2018 which provides provide an exciting context for pupils to hone their "Life Skills", develop their Voice as well as gain a better understanding of British Values such as Democracy, the Rule of Law, Individual Liberty, Respect and Tolerance.


The benefits of having a House System are well documented:

- increased sense of wellbeing and self-esteem

- opportunity to develop personal and social skills

- reduced risk of bullying

- additional support

- opportunity for all achievements in and out of the classroom to be celebrated

- incentive to do and behave well at all times

- opportunity to have a voice and make a difference to the school and the wider environment
