Whitehouse Weekly Bulletin 151
Friday 30th April 2021
Message from Mrs Hall
The largest ever children’s survey is underway for children aged 4-17, led by the Children’s Commissioner, Dame Rachel de Souza. The purpose of this survey is to let the government know what children think and what would make them happier. We are encouraging all children at Whitehouse to add their views as it is important to us that our children’s views are respected (Article 12). The survey can be found at: https://www.childrenscommissioner.gov.uk/thebigask/ This aligns with the value of ‘Democracy’ which is one of the British values forming the curriculum. Other values include individual liberty, respect and tolerance, and rule of law. Please encourage your children to have their say. Have a super Bank Holiday Weekend.
Attendance for the Previous Week
Class with the Best Attendance – Dragons, Badgers and Tigers (100%)
The theme of our assembly next week will be on: Why is it important for a child to play? (UNRC Link: Article 31 – I have the right to play and relax by taking part in sports, music and drama activities). Resources related to this assembly will soon be available on our website. To access them, simply go to Learning and click on our Enquiry Based Assemblies.
School Site
Whilst travelling to school on a bike or scooter is great exercise, can we please remind parents/carers that children may not ride them on the school site. Please ensure the children get off at the gate and walk their bike or scooter up the path and store them in the bicycle racks. In addition, we have had reports of someone spitting on the path when dropping off and collecting their children. Please can we reiterate that this is not acceptable behaviour. Anyone seen spitting on the school site will politely be requested to leave. Thank you for your continued support.
School Photographs
We have our school photographers coming in on Tuesday 4th May to take pictures of the classes. We look forward to seeing the children looking their very best!
Purple Man Reading Award
Well done to Robins and Ocelots for winning the Purple Man award last week.
Class | Wonderful Week | Wonderful Week |
Dolphins | Ava | Mailey |
Puffins | Olly | Maria |
Seahorses | Joshua | Nikolas |
Starfish | Maisie | Sophia |
Key Stage 1:
Class | Wonderful Week | Wonderful Week | Handwriting Award |
Elephants | Analina | Harri Ann | Hunter |
Giraffes | Ysra | Leonardo | Louis |
Lions | Raffael | Lacey-May | Holly |
Cobras | Mohammed | Shanelle | Diya |
Dragons | Kai | Connie | Vana |
Frogs | Amelia | Remi | Oscar |
Lower Key Stage 2:
Class | Wonderful Week | Wonderful Week | Handwriting Award |
Badgers | James-Joseph | Kezia | Bana |
Owls | Erioluwa | Oscar | Nicolette |
Rabbits | Bahand | Summer | Jayden-James |
Foxes | Reuben | Alanna | Susan |
Hedgehogs | Kaycee | Amari | Jasmin |
Robins | Finley | Stacie-Jane | Kyan |
Squirrels | Ethan | Katie-Ann | Kiyan |
Upper Key Stage 2:
Class | Wonderful Week | Wonderful Week | Handwriting Award |
Jaguars | Zainab | Logan | Xavier |
Lemurs | Kayden | Manasa | Kacie |
Red Pandas | Caleb | Leah | Martin |
Chameleons | Jaymee | Ashton | Jack-Novah |
Ocelots | Fardeen | Hermione | Riyah |
Tigers | Junior | Ellie-Mae | Samuel |
Toucans | Daisy | Sehad | Phoebe |
Year 1 Curriculum
The children in Year 1 have been enjoying their work this week focused on the artist Andy Goldsworthy. They have been busy exploring natural materials outside and then spent an afternoon creating their own sculptures out of clay. They found it great fun and are very excited to paint them next week!
Library Competitions
In our Key Stage 2 library each week we hold a Word of the Week Competition. There is a new word each week and the task is to see how many smaller words can be found within it. There is a small prize for the child who finds the most words in Years 3 and 4, and within Years 5 and 6. The competition has had a rest for a while but is now back! Last week we had a few entries and it was won by Elsie who found an impressive 37 words in the word Imagination, closely followed by George who found 36. Please do encourage the children to have a look for the word and let’s see how many can be found this week in our word which is Dedication.
Mental Health
The last year or so has been very challenging and as a school we recognise that many people have experienced concerns regarding their own mental health or that of their children. As a school we know how important it is to keep ourselves as well as possible and are pleased to let you know that within school we now have five members of staff who are trained as Mental Health First Aiders. Three of these are trained to work with children and two others are able to support adults. If you are worried about your child’s mental health or have concerns about your own wellbeing, please do speak to one of our Pastoral Team, Mrs Kate Gotts or Miss Nicola Brinkley, who can signpost you to the one of our First Aiders who may be able to offer some support.
We are sad to say goodbye to our longest serving member of staff this week. Averil has been a cleaner at Whitehouse since 1969, and has given an incredible 51 years of devoted work to the school. The Ipswich Star printed a wonderful article this week helping us celebrate this achievement! You can read it here: https://www.ipswichstar.co.uk/news/ipswich-primary-school-cleaner-retires-after-51-years-7929622. Thank you Averil, for all you have done to help the school. We wish you a very Happy Retirement!
Year 2 Curriculum
Our Frogs Class, in Year 2, have been learning about Giuseppe Arcimboldo this week. They have been busy studying fruits and vegetables and what they look like in cross sections. The children then created their own portrait using fruit and vegetables in the style of Arcimboldo. Haven’t they done a great job!
Water Bottles
Thank you to all those parents/carers who send in a water bottle with their children to ensure they are able to keep hydrated throughout the day. Please can we remind you that the bottles must be plastic (no glass please) and also that they should have sports-lids, to ensure lids are not dropped or placed in the mouth. We appreciate your support in ensuring we keep all children safe and well during the school day.
Free School Meal Vouchers
We have been advised by Suffolk County Council that they will again be providing supermarket vouchers of £15.00 per child to cover the May Half Term Holiday, for any child who is currently eligible for Free School Meals. If you have had a change of email address, please can you inform the office on parents@whcps.org so we can ensure the vouchers reach you. We will confirm when you can expect to receive these, nearer the date. Thank you.
Dates for the Diary
Monday 3rd May – Bank Holiday (School Closed)
Tuesday 4th May – Class Photographs
Monday 24th May – Thursday 27th May – Science Week
Tuesday 25th May – Year 3 Roman Day
Monday 31st May – Friday 4th June – Half Term Holiday
Thursday 24th June – Suffolk Day
Thursday 1st July – Year 5-6 Sports Day
Friday 2nd July – Year 3-4 Sports Day
Friday 2nd July – Year R, 1 and 2 Sports Day
Friday 9th July – Reports Sent Home
Monday 12th July – House Captain Elections
Thursday 15th July – Nursery Sports Event
Wednesday 21st July – Start of the Summer Holiday