Whitehouse Weekly Bulletin 132
Friday 11th September 2020
Message from Mrs Hall
It has been a super week in school, the children have been fully engaged in their learning, and as a result the school is very calm and purposeful. The behaviour of the children has been excellent and they are all keen to follow the golden rules: We listen, We are honest, We work hard and We are kind and respectful. They have all been reminded of our golden rules through this week’s virtual assemblies which were a huge success. So far this term (which is very impressive), there have been 334 silvers awarded and 19 golds. This is a fantastic start to the school year and the children should be very proud. Well done, and keep working hard, everyone.
The theme of our assemblies for next will be: What is a Rights Respecting School? Launching the Rights Respecting School Award. Resources related to this assembly will soon be available on our website. To access them, simply go to Learning and click on our Enquiry Based Assemblies.
Dinner Money Debt
Please note there are a number of children with dinner debts still outstanding from last year. We will be sending out texts shortly to inform you of the balances and would ask that these are please paid as soon as possible. Payment will need to be made as per the instructions below. Thank you for your assistance.
Can we remind parents/carers that due to the current circumstances we are unable to take money in school. We would encourage where possible that payment is made online using either a debit or credit card, through Suffolk County Council using the following links:
Dinner Money: https://www.suffolk.gov.uk/children-families-and-learning/schools/school-meals-uniforms-andtrips/school-meals/. Please note you will be asked which days your child will be eating a school dinner. You can enter any dates as we do not use this information, but will continue to ask your child each day what they would like for lunch. There is a minimum payment of £11.50 which is the price of five school meals.
Breakfast Club: https://www.suffolk.gov.uk/children-families-and-learning/schools/school-meals-uniforms-andtrips/pay-for-a-school-trip/ Where online payment is not possible we are able to accept a cheque which should be made payable to Suffolk County Council.
School Photographs
We are pleased to let you know that we will be having our School Photos on Monday 21st September. Please ensure your children come into school looking nice and smart and in correct uniform.
Flu Immunisation
Please note this year the Flu Immunisation will be offered to all children from Year Reception through to Year 6. This will be a nasal spray and will take place on Monday 7th December. Further information will be sent out to parents/carers shortly.
Drop-in Sessions
We were hoping to be able to hold some drop-in sessions with the teachers next week however with the Covid-19 situation we have had to adapt our plans to avoid too many people coming on to the school site. Instead our teachers will be making a phone call to all parents/carers at some point next week so they can discuss how your child has settled into school this year.
SEND Telephone Helpline
Please note there is a telephone helpline which has been set up for parents/carers who have children with special needs and who have concerns about their child returning to school. If you feel this would be of assistance to you, the line will remain open until the end of September and can be accessed by calling 0345 606 6172.
Dates for the Diary
Monday 14th September – Thursday 17th September – Teacher Calls to Parent/Carers
Monday 21st September – School Photos
Monday 26th October – Friday 30th October – Half Term Holiday
Monday 2nd November – PD Day (No school for children)
Friday 13th November – Children in Need
Thursday 19th November – Parent/Carer Evening
Wednesday 25th November – Parent/Carer Evening
Friday 27th November – Whole School SMSC Event
Monday 7th December – Flu Immunisations
Monday 21st December – Friday 1st January – Christmas Holiday
Monday 4th January – PD Day (No school for children)
Friday 12th February – PD Day (No school for children)
Monday 15th February – Friday 19th February – Half Term Holiday
Thursday 4th March – Parent/Carer Evening
Wednesday 10th March – Parent/Carer Evening
Friday 19th March – Whole School SMSC Event
Monday 29th March – Friday 9th April – Easter Holiday