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RE News 2024/2025

RE update Spring 2025


Exciting  School trips


To further enhance and bring RE to life Whitehouse have arranged a selection of trips to support our teaching of different religions. 


Year 5 visited a local Gudwara to find out more about the importance of Sikh stories and how they impact the daily lives of modern Sikhs. 


Year 3 visited a Mosques in Ipswich to learn more about the Islamic faith including the Hajj Pilgrimage, the children enjoyed finding out about the prayer rituals.


During December Year 4  visited a local church to discover the significance of the Christingle and what it represents to Christians. In Spring 1, Year 4 invited parents into school to sample food from the Seder plate to celebrate the Passover in Judaism. 


Year 2 also visited a local church to learn about advent and what the candles represent.

Year 5 - Listening to Sikh stories

Year 4 Christingle service at St Thomas the Apostle Church, Ipswich

Year 3 pupils learning about the Hajj Pilgrimage and prayer ritual

Year 2 - Advent at St Thomas the Apostle Church, Ipswich
