20th November 2024
Year 4 - Christingle Service at St Thomas the Apostle Church
Dear Parents and Carers,
As you know, we always try to provide opportunities for pupils to enhance their learning across the curriculum. Pupils have enjoyed visits linked to their learning in history and geography, and there are opportunities to visit places linked with other subjects. Such visits are valuable in enhancing our school’s provision for spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and in preparing pupils for life in modern Britain, with its increasingly diverse communities.
This half term, the children in Year 4 will be studying Christianity in RE and looking at how Christingle forms part of the Christmas story. We are delighted to have been invited by the Reverend Rachel Revely at St Thomas the Apostle Church on Bramford Road to share in a Christingle service. The visit will include learning how Christians celebrate Christmas singing some carols. We hope it will bring pupils’ learning to life and allow them to be curious about the faith and its practices. Kindly, Rachel has also invited parents to share in the service.
At Whitehouse, RE is taught as an understanding of different religions and beliefs, from an unbiased perspective. In our view it is an essential part of the curriculum which is becoming more and more important as British society becomes more diverse. We feel strongly that pupils need a good understanding of different cultures, in order to learn respect for others and practise the values of acceptance, respect and unity.
We always ask permission before taking your child out of school on a trip, as it is important that you know where your child is being educated. However, educational trips are not intended to be optional as they are part of our school curriculum. If you do not want your child to attend a trip, please talk to us so that we can understand your reasons and make alternative educational provision for them in school.
Please complete the consent slip for your child to attend, or complete the consent form on Arbor. This needs to be returned to school by Monday 9th December 2024.
The visit will take place on Monday 16th December and usual school uniform should be worn. As we will be walking to the church, children will also need to ensure they bring a coat. If parents would like to attend the service, we suggest you arrive at the church at 1.45pm for a 2pm start.
Please do not collect your child from the church, even if you are attending the service. All children will be brought back to school for collection at the usual time. Thank you for your understanding.
Thank you for your continued support,
Kind regards,
Miss Adams, Miss Ward, Mrs Anderson and Mrs Cousins.
Year 4 Teachers
Christingle Service at St Thomas the Apostle Church – Year 4
I give permission for my child (name):______________________________________
in class _______________________________________(Foxes / Hedgehogs / Squirrels)
to attend the school trip on Monday 16th December 2024.
I would also like to attend the Christingle service on 16th December 2024 at 2pm (delete if not applicable).
Number of adults attending (maximum 2) _______
Signed _________________________________(Parent/Carer)