Whitehouse Weekly Bulletin 230
Friday 5th May 2023
Message from Mrs Hall
Just a reminder that, safeguarding children is everyone’s responsibility. If you have a safeguarding (child protection) concern and you need to speak to a member of staff please contact Mr I William (Deputy Headteacher/Designated Safeguarding Lead. In his absence, there are seven further adults with the same level of training who will be able to help: Dr A Hall, Miss Siddall, Mrs Porter, Mrs Greggor, Mrs Thorpe, Mrs Gotts and Mrs Calver. For more information about safeguarding and key contacts at Whitehouse and beyond please visit our school website: https://www.whcps.org/safeguarding/
We hope that everyone has a lovely bank holiday weekend to celebrate the coronation of King Charles III. Thank you for your continued support.
Attendance for the previous week:
Class with the best attendance: Rabbits (100%)
Dogs on Site
A reminder to parents/carers that dogs are not permitted to be on the school site with the exception of guide dogs. Thank you for your assistance.
Art Recycling Day
We recently held a wonderful art day in school which was based on the use of recycled items. Please do have a look at the following link on our website where you will see lots more information and photos of the day:
https://www.whcps.org/update-for-parents-art-recycling-day-24th-march-20/. Thank you to all those parents/carers who helped by sending in recyclable items we were able to use in our activities.
World Asthma Day
Did you know it was World Asthma Day on Tuesday this week? Asthma affects 1 in 11 children across the UK and is one of the most common reasons that children are taken into hospital in an emergency situation. We have a number of children at Whitehouse who have asthma and we do all we can to ensure their safety whilst they are with us. Can we remind parents/carers that if your child has asthma to ensure that we have an inhaler for them which is kept in school. If you ask your GP they will always give you a prescription to have a spare for school. Also, we would ask your help by ensuring that you complete and return an updated asthma plan every year. If you are unsure when you last completed one, please contact Mrs Bendell in the school office who will be able to help. Thank you for your co-operation.
Class | Wonderful Week | Wonderful Week | Super Writer | Super Writer |
Puffins | Blake | Ugne | Florence | Evie R |
Seahorses | Oliver | Caitlyn | Logan | Jenson |
Starfish | Dmitrij | Ava W | Eloise | Brody |
Key Stage 1:
Class | Wonderful Week | Wonderful Week | Handwriting Award |
Elephants | Harvey | Chase | Mailey |
Giraffes | Esmae | Fraya | Emlia |
Lions | Lucas | Mila | Rebecca |
Cobras | Beatrix | Ava | Dyako |
Dragons | Danny | Maria | Adelin |
Frogs | Rhiannon | Brooklyn | Effie |
Lower Key Stage 2:
Class | Wonderful Week | Wonderful Week | Handwriting Award |
Badgers | Alivia | Louis |
Owls | Blake | Ella | Jason |
Rabbits | Mark Aston | Harri-Ann | Layla |
Foxes | Taylor | Skye | Violet |
Hedgehogs | Benjamin | Caleb | Oliver |
Squirrels | Leo | Freddie | Raquel |
Upper Key Stage 2:
Class | Wonderful Week | Wonderful Week | Handwriting Award |
Jaguars | Kaci | Jacob | Tilleah |
Lizards | Liyoh | Evie-Mae | Harley |
Red Pandas | Dillon | Jessica | Bana |
Chameleons | Summer | Malen | Chiara |
Macaws | Maria | Sefora | Alicja |
Ocelots | Evie | David | Ruby |
Tigers | Aurora | Susan | Filip |
Toucans | Georgia | Maddison | Sara |
Purple Man Reading Competition
Well done to the winners of the Purple Man competition for last week (a competition that rewards classes with the highest average reading minutes across KS2).
Year 3 | Badgers (42 mins) |
Year 4 | Hedgehogs (59 mins) |
Year 5 | Lizards (49 mins) |
Year 6 | Chameleons (49 mins) |
Year 1: Colchester Zoo Trip
Last week Year 1 had an amazing trip to Colchester Zoo in order to support their science learning about animals (including humans!) and their English when they write about their visit. The day stated off brilliantly when the children saw monkeys in the ‘Rainforest’ section of the zoo, which was full of trees for the monkeys to climb and explore. They also saw some orangutans – there were 2 females and 1 male, although the females were hiding under some blankets so we could not see them too well! The zoo keeper explained they do this as in their natural habitat they would normally shelter under tree leaves, sometimes pulling them off branches. The blankets did the job just as well.
The children were very lucky to see the zoo keepers feeding the penguins, who swam up to the keepers and hungrily ate the fish. As you can see, the penguins had a great time eating!
Next was a visit to the high viewing gallery to see the lion who was busy having lunch! After he had finished, he had a wander around the enclosure and came very close to the glass so could see just how big he is and how thick his mane is. Then it was on to the amazing tigers, the one in the photograph was cleaning his paws as he sat by the side of the water – then watched us all gasp at how calm he looked. Did you know that every tiger’s stripes are completely different to each other’s and that no two tigers have the same pattern! Finally, the children had a chance to walk around the open enclosures where the giraffes, zebras, rhinos and elephants live. Everyone loved watching as the giraffes used their very long necks to reach the leaves from the tall tree branches.
No Mow May!
As a school, throughout May, we are taking part in ‘No Mow May’ by leaving an area of our school field unmown so the animals and insects can thrive.
We challenge you to take part too, by not mowing an area of your garden throughout the month of May. Why not send in your garden photos and see if you can make it into our Eco-display! Please send photos to parents@whcps.org.
Online Safety: Cyber Security
The security of our devices and data cannot be under-estimated. With hacking, identity theft, fraud and scams on the increase, it is important that everybody has an awareness of cyber security. Internet Matters have a great article with lots of advice and guidance around a range of cyber security topics including phishing, doxing, cryptojacking and much more. Why not have a look and see what might be of help:
Struggling to get your child seen by an NHS Dentist?
Tooth Club located in the Buttermarket Shopping Centre in Ipswich will see any child who is not currently registered with an NHS dentist. To make an appointment, click on the link below and select New Patient, NHS Insurance and choose NHS Exam from the reason drop down box:
They have lots of available appointments including Saturdays and Sundays, as well as after school times. If you have any issues using this service, don’t hesitate to contact a member of the Reception Team on 01473 937510.
Outdoor Classroom
As many of you will have seen we have recently installed a wonderful Outside Classroom on the school site, which will be lovely addition for the children as we move into the nicer weather. We are very lucky to have been able to add this wonderful resource and ask parents/carers to ensure that children are not using the outdoor classroom during drop off and pick up times of the day.
Year 5 Parent/Carer Art Session
Please note we would like to invite the parents and carers of our Year 5 children to come into school for a Parent/Carer art session on Tuesday 16th May 2023 between 9.00am and 10.00am. The children have been learning about Climate Change and this will be an opportunity to work together to create a pastel landscape picture. We hope to see lots of you there!
Celebrating our Children
We love to hear of the achievements our children are making outside of school and this week we heard about Mylie, who had her first trial with Ipswich Football Club. After just two trials Mylie was offered a place on an invitation only basis at the Girls Elite Development Centre (EDPC) programme. Mylie now trains with them once a week and is loving every moment. Her football is improving all the time and she has made great leaps forward! Shown here is the progression pathway for the Club, which seems a long way to go, but as Leah Williamson (England Ladies Captain) said in her book ‘dream big, dreams do come true – but you need to work hard to achieve them! Well done Mylie, we are very proud of all you are doing!
A Message from the School Librarian
Don’t forget that the first of our Book Fairs is being held after school next week on Thursday 11th May 2023. There is an exciting range of new titles available for purchase at budget friendly prices with the added benefit that a percentage of the money taken is returned to the school in the form of ‘rewards’ which can be used to purchase new books for our libraries. Our second Book Fair will now be held after school on Monday 15th May (please note this date has changed). Both Book Fairs will open from 3.15pm to 4.00pm and will take place in the Marlow Hall. Direct entry can be gained via the external hall doors next to the main school office. Parents/Carers will be able to pay in cash or by credit or debit cards by scanning a QR code and paying directly via the Book Fair website.
It is hoped that in the lead up to the Book Fairs the children will be able to view some of the books on offer and a wish list will be made available for them to record the titles and prices of any books they are interested in to share with you.
I am very much looking forward to meeting some of you next week.
Mrs S Balaam (Librarian)
General Reminders
If you have misplaced a letter which has been sent home, or want to check details of a trip or after-school club etc, please be aware that a copy of all the letters we send home are also added to our website. You can view these letters here: https://www.whcps.org/letters/
Also, we have noticed that not all parents/carers have remembered that there has been an increase in the cost of school dinners. Please be aware that the price of a school dinner (both hot dinners and pick and mix options) now cost £2.53 a day or £12.65 a week. If you are paying for dinners by cash to the office, please do ensure that the correct amounts are paid, so you do not create a debt.
Dates for the Diary
Monday 8th May 2023 (Bank Holiday) – School Closed
Thursday 11th May 2023 – Book Fair – 3.15pm
Monday 15th May 2023 – Book Fair – 3.15pm
Tuesday 16th May 2023 – Parent/Carer Art Session – Year 5 - 9.00am-10.00am
Tuesday 16th May 2023 – Parent/Carer Sewing Session – Year 4
Thursday 18th May 2023 – Andy Goldsworthy Outdoor Art Session – Year 1 2.00pm-3.00pm
Friday 26th May 2023 – PD Day – School Closed for Children
Monday 29th May 2023 to Friday 2nd June 2023 – Half Term Holiday
Monday 5th June 2023 – PD Day – School Closed for Children
Tuesday 6th June 2023 – Victorian School – Year 4 Squirrels Class
Wednesday 7th June – Victorian School – Year 4 Foxes Class
Wednesday 7th June 2023 – Sports Day - EYFS
Thursday 8th June – Victorian School – Year 4 Hedgehogs Class
Thursday 8th June 2023 – Sports Day – Years 1, 2 and 3
Friday 9th June 2023 – Sports Day – Years 4, 5 and 6
Thursday 15th June 2023 – Easton Farm Park Trip – Year R
Friday 23rd June 2023 – Whole School SMSC Day
Monday 26th June 2023 – Mersea Day Trip – Year 6
Tuesday 27th June 2023 – Mersea Day Trip – Year 6
Wednesday 28th June 2023 – Transition Morning
Thursday 29th June 2023 – Transition Morning
Friday 30th June 2023 – Kentwell Hall – Year 5
Friday 7th July 2023 – Afternoon Tea for New Reception Intake
Friday 7th July 2023 – Summer Fair
Monday 17th July 2023 – Year 6 Production (Cast A)
Tuesday 18th July 2023 – Year 6 Production (Cast B)
Wednesday 19th July 2023 – Leavers BBQ
Friday 21st July 2023 – Leavers Assembly
Friday 21st July 2023 – Last day of the Summer Term
Monday 24th July 2023 to Thursday 31st August 2023 – Summer Holiday
Friday 1st September 2023 – PD Day – School Closed for Children
Monday 4th September 2023 – PD Day – School Closed for Children
Tuesday 5th September 2023 – First day of Autumn Term for Children