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Vision Statement

Whitehouse Community Primary - Vision



Whitehouse Community Primary - Our Vision and Aims


Our motto: ‘If you believe it … you can achieve it!’



At Whitehouse Community Primary School, we respect and value everyone and are fully committed to providing a caring, friendly and safe environment for all. Therefore, our vision statement is:


'To enable everyone at Whitehouse Community Primary School

to thrive and achieve their full potential'


Our Key Values drive everything we do:



At Whitehouse, we strive to empower all our children and staff. Through setting high expectations and providing the opportunities, knowledge and skills needed, we create an environment where our children can achieve their potential and thrive as Whitehouse pupils, as valued and successful members of their local community and as active and accountable global citizens.


To support everyone in achieving their full potential, we carefully support the skills needed for our learners to follow ‘The Whitehouse Way’. We expect all children at Whitehouse to demonstrate high expectations through our four learning behaviours and hope these will support them in their life beyond Whitehouse.


  • Courage
  • Perseverance
  • Reflection
  • Responsibility


Alongside these, we encourage the children to follow our school rules at all times. These are:


  • We are kind and respectful
  • We work hard
  • We are honest
  • We listen


As a school, we want all our learners to be successful and do this we will:


  • Be inclusive and provide effective and holistic support for vulnerable learners, those with additional needs and those facing personal challenge and change.


  • Work with specialist services to ensure the children have access to high quality support for their learning and well-being at all levels.


  • Consistently track the children’s progress, be proactive in identifying underachievement, and take steps to minimise this.


  • Inspire all children to want to be at school every day by delivering a bespoke and tailored curriculum that meets their needs and reflects their lives.


  • Endeavour to furnish our children with all the life skills they will need in later life to become valuable and well-adjusted citizens who are tolerant and respectful of all by weaving Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development into all areas of school life.


  • Uphold British Values of Democracy, The Rule of Law, Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect and Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs.


  • Provide opportunities for children to make decisions that affect them and understand their rights through the Unicef Rights Respecting School’s Programme.


  • Highlight the importance of reading and inspire our children to have a love of reading.


  • Encourage all members of our community to contribute and support the children’s learning.


  • Raise aspirations of everyone in our community and work with parents and carers to eradicate barriers to learning and support justice for all.


  • Work in partnership with CET (Children’s Endeavour Trust) and alongside other schools to collaborate, share best practice and drive standards.

