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Friday 18th October 2019

Whitehouse Weekly Bulletin 112

Friday 18th October 2019


Message from Mrs Hall

This half-term has been super busy and I have been very proud of how the children have demonstrated ‘The Whitehouse Way’ at school and at home. It has been lovely to see so many children complete regular reading at home; your support is greatly appreciated by everyone. Have a great half-term holiday and please remember that school starts back on Monday 28th October (don’t forget to put your clocks back an hour on Sunday 27th October!)


Attendance for the Previous Week


Class with the Best Attendance – Rabbits (99.3%)

Classes with the Best Punctuality – Giraffes, Badgers, Lemurs, Pandas, Jaguars and Chameleons

Class that needs to improve their Attendance – Puffins (89.6%)

Classes that need to improve their Punctuality – Elephants, Robins and Toucans



The theme of our assemblies for the first week after half term will be: What is Diwali?  Why and how do Hindu people celebrate it? Resources related to this assembly will soon be available on our website.  To access them, simply go to Learning and click on our Enquiry Based Assemblies.


Evening Star – Reception Children

We are pleased to confirm our Reception children will have their photograph in the Evening Star newspaper as part of their ‘First Class’ supplement on Tuesday 5th November.  Keep an eye out for the flyers we will be sending home which will entitle you to a discount on the price of the newspaper.


PE – School Website

Our PE page on the school website has been updated and is now fully operational.  Please visit the PE (Physical Education) section for all related information. This can be found by clicking ‘Learning’ then ‘Subject Pages’.  You will find details of what your child will be learning throughout this year, sports clubs, swimming dates and much more.


Art Event

Year 2 parents/carers are invited into school on Wednesday 30th October for an art afternoon at 2.15 pm. Thank you for your continued support.


Key Stage 1:



Wonderful Week

Wonderful Week

Handwriting Award


























Lower Key Stage 2:



Wonderful Week

Wonderful Week

Handwriting Award
































Upper Key Stage 2:



Wonderful Week

Wonderful Week

Handwriting Award









Red Pandas

















Early Minds – Parent/Carer Session – Years 3, 4 and 5

The school is currently working with EARLY Minds (Emotional Awareness and Resilience Learnt Young) to deliver workshops with all children in Years 3 to 5 to help them recognise their emotional needs and identify healthy ways to develop their resilience.  We will be holding a parents/carers session on Thursday 31st October at 2.00pm to provide more information about the work that is happening in school and how you can support your child at home.  The session will be open to all parents/carers with a child in Year 3, 4 or 5 and will last for approximately one hour. EARLY Minds will be delivering this workshop.  A letter will be sent home nearer the time, and there will be reminders on the newsletter and via text.  In the meantime, if you would like more information please contact the Pastoral Team on the main school number and select option 4.


Remembrance Day

We are pleased to let you know the School Parliament will again be supporting the Royal British Legion by selling poppies in school after half term.  This year they will also be selling a number of other items, such as wristbands, pencils, rulers and rubbers.  Further details to follow on when these will be sold.  There will also be poppies available to buy in the office, if any parent/carer would like one. 


Autumn 2 After-School Clubs

Please note that letters for next half terms after-school clubs will be handed out during the first week back after half-term.  Some of our clubs will be continuing, pupils already attending these clubs will not need to sign up again.  However, there will some new and exciting clubs on offer so keep an eye out for the letter.  Please note there will be no clubs the first week after half-term.


Whole School Team Building Day – Recycled Items Needed

We need your help!  As part of our Team Building Day, each class will be making a scarecrow linked to their favourite book character.  We would like to use as much recycled material as possible.  Please could you help by collecting and sending in the following items:

          Plastic Bottles                   Cardboard/Tubes              Old Yellow Pages

          Sweet Wrappers               Bales of Straw                  Newspapers (not The Sun please) 

          Bamboo Canes                             Tights (flesh coloured)      Crisp Packets


In addition, we also require the following:

          Old white shirts                          Large cord trousers

          Large brown waistcoats               Brown belts

          Big pair of leather boots              Top hat

          Purple jacket


Thank you in advance for any help you can provide.


Lost Property

Please can we remind parents/carers to ensure that ALL clothing and belongings are clearly named.  We already have 15 jumpers and 5 coats sitting in lost property, none of which have names in.  If you are missing an item and would like to have a look through lost property please ask a member of staff.


Times Tables Rock Stars – Beat the Teacher

We are pleased to let you know that each school holiday we are introducing a Beat the Teacher on the popular Times Tables Rock Stars app.  This half term it will be Staff versus Year 3!  The battle will begin today (Friday 18th October) at 3.30pm and will end on Friday 25th October at 8.30am.  We hope Year 3 will take up the challenge and we look forward to hearing the result!  Other year groups will take their turn in later school holidays.


Bumped Heads

We are changing our procedure when a child has a minor bumped head in school.  We currently give the child a ‘Bumped Head’ sticker and send them home with an orange slip to inform you this has occurred.  Advice on the orange slip asks parents/carers to observe the child for the next few hours in case of any signs of concussion.  These signs are blurred vision, sickness, drowsiness and incoherence. 

We will be changing procedure slightly after half term and instead of sending home a sticker and slip of paper, we will be placing a yellow ‘I have bumped my head today’ wristband on anyone who has had a bumped head.  These are made from a strong material that cannot be ripped off so will ensure the information reaches home.  Please continue to observe your child to ensure no further symptoms appear, and seek medical advice if needed.


Book Fair

We are running our Annual Book Fair again in November.  For the first time we will be using The Book People.  As you are probably aware, their books are very reasonably priced, so we hope you will come along and buy some books for your children.  The children love coming to the libraries in school to choose books to share at home and it is even better if they can have their own copies to keep! The Book Fairs will take place during both Parents Evenings on Thursday 14th November and Wednesday 20th November.  They will be open from 3.30pm so you are very welcome to pop in after collecting your children from school.  We hope to see you there!


Year 1 Reading Session

The Year 1 teachers are pleased to invite parents/carers to come in to school on Wednesday 30th October at 2.30pm to read with their children.  We hope to see as many of you as possible.


Girls Football Tournament

On Tuesday 15th October, a group of Year 5 and 6 girls went to Whitton Sports Centre to participate in a football tournament. The team played 4 matches; they won 1, drew 2 and lost 1.  The girls all played well as a team; particularly as this was the first time, they had played together. Every child represented the school extremely well and Miss Horne and Mrs Zantboer were impressed with their hard work.  A special well done to Hermione for scoring a goal and to Talia who received the ‘Fair Player’ award.


Flu Immunisations

The School Nursing Team will be coming into school on Friday 15th November as part of the Annual Childhood Flu Immunisation Programme.  The vaccine is given through a nasal spray and is being offered to all children from Reception through to Year 6.  Parents/Carers need to confirm whether they do/do not wish their child to be given the immunisation.  The link to show your consent/non-consent can be found on the following page on our website: Please read the information on the website carefully, particularly if your child is asthmatic or cannot eat gelatine.   If you have any questions please contact the Schools Immunisation Programme on 0300 555 5055 or We are aware of news reports about a shortage of flu vaccine.  We can reassure parents/carers that the School Nursing Team have confirmed there is enough vaccine available for all children to receive it.  Please follow the above links to ensure permission is given for this to be administered.


Cross Country News

Last Thursday, following her successful selection to the Ipswich and Suffolk School Games Cross Country team, Isabel took part in the Suffolk Schools Cross Country, Area Championships held at The Royal Hospital School.  Isabel finished her race in 70th place, out of a very strong field of more than 300 runners.  Well done Isabel, a very impressive performance!


If anyone is taking part in any sports activities this half-term. Please let us know and we will add the details to the newsletter.


House News

Well done to all the children who have earned house tokens this half term.  The number of tokens earned shows how well the children are showing ‘The Whitehouse Way.’  The winning house for this half-term is Diamond with 424 tokens.  In second place was Sapphire with 413, third was Emerald with 372 and in fourth place was Ruby with 311.  As the winning house, all children in Diamond will have a non-uniform day on Wednesday 30th October.


Dates for the Diary

Monday 21st October to Friday 25th October – Half Term Holiday

Wednesday 30th October – Diamond House Non-Uniform Day

Wednesday 30th October – Art Session – 2.15pm – Year 2 Parents/Carers

Wednesday 30th October – Reading Session – 2.30pm – Year 1 Parents/Carers

Thursday 31st October – EARLY Minds Parent/Carer Session – Years 3, 4 and 5 – 2.00 pm

Friday 1st November – Tigers start Swimming Lessons

Thursday 14th November – Parents/Carers Evening – 3.30 – 5.30 pm

Thursday 14th November – Book Fair

Friday 15th November – Flu Immunisation – Year R to Year 6

Friday 15th November – Children in Need Day

Wednesday 20th November – Parents/Carers Evening – 3.30 – 6.30 pm

Wednesday 20th November – Book Fair

Tuesday 26th November – Choir visiting Mayo Court

Thursday 28th November – Whole School Team Building Day (Scarecrow Making)

Friday 29th November – Parents invited into school at the end of the day to view the Scarecrows

Thursday 5th December – Reception Nativity (9.45 am and 2.15 pm)

Saturday 7th December – Christmas Fair

Tuesday 10th December – Year 1 Christmas Play (9.45 am and 2.15 pm)

Thursday 12th December – Year 2 Christmas Play (9.45 am and 2.15 pm)

Tuesday 17th December – EYFS and KS1 – Christmas Dinner

Wednesday 18th December – KS2 – Christmas Dinner

Friday 20th December to Friday 3rd January – Christmas Holiday

Monday 6th January – PD Day – School Closed to children

Thursday 6th February – Young Voices – Choir to the O2

Monday 17th February to Friday 21st February – Half Term Holiday

Friday 3rd April to Friday 17th April – Easter Holidays

Friday 8th May – May Bank Holiday

Friday 22nd May – PD Day – School Closed to children

Monday 25th May to Friday 29th May – Half Term Holiday

Wednesday 22nd July – PD Day – School Closed to Children

Thursday 23rd July – First Day of Summer Holiday             

