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Parental Engagement in Spring Term 22-23


Continuing to provide individual support & a welcoming environment for families

  • Pastoral and SMT team available on playground before/after school to provide tailor-made support.
  • Support offered to EAL children: admission meetings/school tours, interpreting, chasing families of children missing in education, helping with parents evenings and interpreting.


Maximising parental engagement

  • All the parental engagement activities planned in September have been delivered
  • Feedback from UK2 parents attending events acted upon. Additional events and longer sessions added.


Continuing to provide families with important information about the Curriculum

  • EYFS nativity performances most popular parental event so far. A lot of new intake this term. Nursery nearly full. Reception parents coming to watch weekly phonics session in turn. Well attended and positive feedback and good opportunity to reiterate reading expectations. Pastoral Team running new Families Connect sessions with Reception children. New report format trialled which is more in line with rest of the school. Tapestry well used for homework.
  • KS1 - Good engagement with Tapestry in KS1. Reading share/phonics planned for every half-term. KS1 are closely monitoring parental attendance & revising their engagement strategy accordingly. 75 primary carers came to the Read and Share on 7/12. Christmas Workshop attended by 104 family members.
  • Year 4  - three Y4 French for the Family Event planned in Spring 2. 2 already delivered which attracted 45 parents. Maths session with parents to be held on Friday 3rd March.
  • Year 5 - Y5 pupils attended a Shared Reading session in March during which they learnt how to answer “Rex Retrieval” questions. “It was great to come in and see all the amazing work!”, “I enjoyed working with my son!”, “It was interesting and engaging!”. Y5 Parent Flapjack tasting session linked with “How is Fairtrade Fair?” delivered in early March.
  • Year 6 - 45 Y6 parents attended a fun workshop on 18/01 learning how and why the Ancient Egyptians mummified their pharaohs before practising mummification on a tomato. WWW and EBI collected.


Continuing to promote good behaviours for learning including attendance

  • Excellent class attendance continues to be celebrated in Weekly Bulletin. Attendance Officer also feeds back on school’s attendance figures in newsletter & makes recommendations.
  • 12 fixed penaly notices sent for unauthorised absence and 71 letters to warn parents of 95% attendance.
  • Mid-term reports successful in helping teachers discuss pupil progress with parents at parents' evenings.


Continuing to promote a safe environment for children

  • Parents/carers alerted to Internet Matters guides to: ensuring children with SEND have positive online experiences, Safety Guide to Fortnite and various aspects of gaming.
  • Health and safety information on importance of hydration throughout the day and Safe Parking around schools shared with parent through the newletter..


Continuing to offer childcare whilst ensuring children do no start the day on an empty stomach

  • Various funded and non-funded places at before-school clubs offered with 54 carers and children attending the first Family breakfast event for KS1.
  • 27 after-school clubs offered to pupils since September by 29 different members of staff. New clubs for Spring 2 include Spanish, Superheroes Clean-up, Eco-Club for KS1, Dance and Photography clubs.


Regularly signposting parents to other services

  • Information on finding an NHS dentist as well as on local flu clinics shared with parents.
  • Parents/carers alerted to free online NHS Mental Health workshops and Barnado’s telephone helpline.
  • Parents signposted to the Butterfly Childcare Family Fair held in March.
  • Parents alerted to the Warm Space initiative from the New Wolsey Theatre and families eligible for Free School Meals directed to the Edenred supermarket vouchers Dec and February breaks.
  • Parents/carers’ attention drawn to Ipswich Town Football Club Holiday Club over Christmas.
  • Kinship Carers and Special Guardians alerted to an event held on Thursday 15th December.
  • Vouchers and food parcels as well as a fridge provided to vulnerable families.