Whitehouse Weekly Bulletin 192
Friday 13th May 2022
Message from Mrs Hall
Well done to Year 6 for continuing to demonstrate the ‘Whitehouse Way’ during SATs week. We are extremely proud of the children and will share the results with them when they are returned to the school in July. Over the next few weeks the curriculum will change slightly for Year 6 as they prepare for their end of year play and also their transition to High School. In addition, we are delighted to be continuing with our trips and visits programme, Year 1 had a fantastic visit to Colchester Zoo last week and Year 3 went to Colchester Castle. I am proud to report that the behaviour of the children was impeccable. There are many more trips planned with Year 5 organising a visit to Kentwell Hall and Reception going to Easton Farm Park. We really appreciate the continued support from parents and carers to ensure these visits are able to take place.
Attendance for the previous week
Class with the best attendance - Chameleons (100%)
The theme of our assemblies for next week will be: Why are some families no longer together? UNRC Link: Article 9: I have the right to live with my parents unless it is bad for me and Article 21: I have the right to have the best care if I am adopted, fostered or living in care. Resources related to this assembly will soon be available on our website. To access them, simply go to Learning and click on our Enquiry Based Assemblies.
Healthy and Nut Free School
Can we please remind parents/carers of our policy around food brought into school. We ask that NO products that contain nuts are brought in as part of a packed lunch or as a snack. We have a number of children with very severe nut allergies and even being in close proximity to someone eating a nut product can be dangerous to them. Please note this includes peanut butter and any chocolate spread (including those that state nuts on the packaging and those that do not).
In addition, please remember that we welcome KS2 children bringing a morning snack into school, however we only allow fruit or a healthy cereal bar. Thank you for your co-operation.
We need boxes!
Can you help? Our Year 5 children need some cardboard boxes to complete one of their curriculum projects. They require boxes similar to the following: cereal boxes, cat food pouches box and shoe boxes. If you can help we would be very grateful. Boxes can be handed in to class teachers or to the school office.
Class | Wonderful Week | Wonderful Week |
Puffins | Fraya | Henley |
Seahorses | Patric | Lucas |
Starfish | Reggie | Charlotte |
Key Stage 1:
Class | Wonderful Week | Wonderful Week | Handwriting Award |
Elephants | Dyako | Jessica | Channelle |
Giraffes | Safa | Sara | Rhiannon |
Lions | Graceford | Ianys | Demi |
Cobras | Andrei | Jessica | Ysra |
Dragons | Maddie | Raffael | Stanley |
Frogs | Josh | Ava | Erica |
Lower Key Stage 2:
Class | Wonderful Week | Wonderful Week | Handwriting Award |
Badgers | Dexter | Noah | Elyana |
Foxes | Maddie | Dishaanth | Pelin |
Owls | Jacob | Aleah | Leo |
Rabbits | Josh | Daniel | Ruari |
Hedgehogs | Kyzer | Tilleah | Harley |
Squirrels | Amberley | Gabriel | Liberty |
Upper Key Stage 2:
Class | Wonderful Week | Wonderful Week | Handwriting Award |
Jaguars | Oliwia | Maja | Isla |
Lemurs | Maria-Jay | Laniyha | Danielius |
Lizards | Summer | Kyan | Malen |
Red Pandas | Samuel | Sophie | Amari |
Chameleons | Harry | Abdul | Martin |
Ocelots | Ala | Oliver | Isobel |
Tigers | Danny-Jay | Caleb |
Toucans | Mason | Sofia | Logan |
Sports Equipment for Schools Newspaper Campaign
Just a reminder that if you or your family members buy the East Anglian Daily Times or the Ipswich Star, please collect the Sports Equipment for Schools tokens for us. It will give us a chance to win some new sports equipment for our school. Vouchers started appearing on Monday 9th May 2022 and will continue through to 15th July 2022. Thank you for your support.
Purple Man Reading Competition
Well done to last week’s winners of the Purple Man: Ocelots (Year 6), Jaguars and Lizards (Year 5), Squirrels (Year 4) and Foxes (Year 3).
Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebrations at Whitehouse – Friday 27th May
This year, Queen Elizabeth II celebrates 70 years on the throne. To mark the occasion, we are having our own jubilee celebrations in school. On Friday 27th May, the children can come dressed in red, white and blue. They will be able to take part in a number of fun activities, so watch out for lots of lovely photos of our day!
As part of our Jubilee celebrations we will be having a special ‘Big Picnic’ menu as shown. We will also be offering cheese and ham rolls. Please be aware there will not be any hot dinner available on this day.
Year 5 and 6 Boys Football
Last Thursday the year 5/6 boys’ football team travelled to Rushmere Hall Primary School to play their last IPSSA league match of the season. The boys were determined to finish their season positively, and that’s exactly what they did! The match was a rather tense affair with both teams enjoying equal spells of success in all areas of the pitch. Despite this, the boys worked extremely hard and performed together as a team throughout the entire match. With the score level at 2-2 at half time, the boys began the second half extremely determined and clear as to what they needed to do to outwit their opponents. A confident performance throughout the second half allowed the boys to put pressure on Rushmere Hall’s defence. The much-improved counter attacks and passages of play allowed the boys to score three more goals to eventually win the match 5-3. A special mention goes to Hayden for scoring four of the five goals for the team. Well done boys, a fantastic way to finish what has been a successful year for the boys’ football team!
Thank you from Mr Jordan
It has been an absolute pleasure to see the all of the boys involved in the football team throughout this year grow and develop in both their confidence and footballing ability. They have all represented the school fantastically and truly shown the ‘Whitehouse Way’ in both their efforts and behaviour throughout the year! I would also like to take this opportunity to again thank parents/carers for their constant support. The success of the boys’ football team has meant that the boys have been involved in a vast number of fixtures. Without your support we would not have been able to attend these matches!
SEND Update
Following on from the Independent Review of Suffolk SEND Services, please see the link below where you can view the most recent update: https://infolink.suffolk.gov.uk/kb5/suffolk/infolink/advice.page?id=ZllMY_H9rp4
Special Menu: Thursday 18th May 2022
Has your child tried having a school dinner recently? On Thursday next week, we are having a day with the meals the children enjoy the most, so if your son or daughter wants to give dinners a try, this would be a great day to do so!
Walk to School Week is Back!
Next Monday marks the start of ‘Walk to School Week’ (Monday 16th May – 20th May). As a school, we will again be taking part in the Keep Moving Suffolk Walking Challenge. As a result, we would like to encourage you and your child to walk to school for the whole week. If you live too far to walk, maybe you could use public transport or even consider parking the car and walk the last 5 minutes into school. An activity booklet with daily fun activities to complete on the way to school and a set of stickers will be provided to each pupil. Additionally, each class will be provided with a visual wallchart and daily reward stickers to track their participation in the challenge.
To add a healthy competitive element to this year’s Walk to School Week, Mr Jordan will also be introducing an inter-class competition to see which class has the greatest number of pupils walking to school throughout the week.
Sunny Days
As we look forward to more sunny days and nice weather, can we remind parents/carers to put suncream on your children before coming to school and to send them in with a hat for when they are playing outside. Thank you.
Celebrating our Staff
A big well done to Ms Salmon who ran the Woodbridge 10K on Sunday. It was a very hot day and was Ms Salmon’s first race. The course was very tough, with lots of running uphill and downhill again! It was a special year as Woodridge were celebrating their 40th anniversary run. What a great achievement!
Dates for the Diary
Monday 16th May – Friday 20th May – Walk to School Week
Thursday 26th May – Year 3 Roman Day
Friday 27th May – Queen’s Jubilee Celebrations (No hot dinner menu available)
Monday 30th May to Friday 3rd June – Half Term Holiday
Tuesday 14th June – Year R Easton Farm Park Trip
Friday 17th June – Year 2 Duxford Airfield Trip
Friday 24th June – Career Day
Tuesday 28th June – Year 5 Kentwell Hall Trip
Monday 4th July to Wednesday 6th July Year 6 Mersea Residential Trip
Wednesday 6th July – Year 1, 2 and 3 Sports Day
Thursday 7th July – Year 4, 5 and 6 Sports Day
Friday 8th July – Nursery and Reception Sports Day
Friday 22nd July 2022 – First day of the Summer Holiday