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11-01-2024 Year 5-6 Parent/Carer Attendance Survey

11th January 2024


Year 5 and 6 – Parent/Carer Attendance Survey



Dear Parents /Carers,



Our school and other schools across Ipswich are working with an evaluation partner to better understand any barriers that are preventing pupils attending school. As part of this, they have asked a small number of schools in the area to get responses from their parent community.

This survey will take around 5 minutes and will ask you questions about your child’s attendance at school, including your understanding of the school’s attendance policy. There is also an opportunity for you to share your views on how the school could further support pupil’s attendance at school.

We would really appreciate it if you were able to complete this survey. All responses will remain anonymous and will be used by the school and the wider area to better understand how to support pupils and families in our local community.


This survey is currently available in four different languages. We are also in the process of getting the survey translated to Roma, which will be sent out soon. Please click below to access the survey in your chosen language:


English survey:
Polish survey:

Latvian survey:

Portuguese survey:



The window for this survey is open until 26th January.   

Thank you for your continued support.

With regards



Mr I Williams

Deputy Head / Attendance Lead

